p.3 man steering boat belonging to Mr. Gerrard of Montreal drowned six miles down river from Kingston, by falling out of boat. Ttenders called for store house of cut stone to be built at H.M. Naval Y
p.3 man steering boat belonging to Mr. Gerrard of Montreal drowned six …
p.3 On Tuesday Evening His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor and Lady Maitland arrived from York in the Steam Boat Frontenac, and proceeded immediately in the Charlotte for the Lower Province. PORT
p.3 On Tuesday Evening His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor and Lady Maitland …
p.3 F.B. Spilsbury, Surgeon, R.N., late Surgeon of H.M.S. Prince Regent, on Lake Ontario, intends practicing in the various branches of his Profession, at his residence, next door to John McLean, Esq
p.3 F.B. Spilsbury, Surgeon, R.N., late Surgeon of H.M.S. Prince Regent, on …
p.3 Commodore Oliver H. Perry, who commanded the American squadron at the battle of Lake Erie, during the late war, died of the yellow fever on the 22nd August. Commissioner Barrie returns on steamer
p.3 Commodore Oliver H. Perry, who commanded the American squadron at the …
p.3 During the severe gale last Tuesday night the Schooner Rambler, from Sacket's Harbor, having on board some passengers, 20 barrels Ashes, and a few barrels of Pork, was driven ashore in Reid's Bay
p.3 During the severe gale last Tuesday night the Schooner Rambler, from …