The propeller BOSTON, Capt. McNett, was run into by a schooner on Friday night last, off Oak Orchard, and sunk. She went down in 15 minutes after being struck. The propeller had a full cargo of flour
The propeller BOSTON, Capt. McNett, was run into by a schooner on …
The propeller SAMUEL SCHUYLER, which cleared from Oswego a few days since, went ashore at Sodus, but it is thought she will be got off without much damage.
The propeller SAMUEL SCHUYLER, which cleared from Oswego a few days since, …
SCHOONER WRECKED. --- The schooner FAVORITE, R. Dickinson, master, went ashore about one o'clock this morning, in attempting to make this port. She beached just below the east pier, and now lies in t
SCHOONER WRECKED. --- The schooner FAVORITE, R. Dickinson, master, went ashore about …