Lucky to be Alive
- Publication
- Milwaukee Journal, 12 May 1916
- Full Text
- Lucky to be Alive
Survivor of Lake Disaster Summarized His experience-- Engineer of lost steamer visits MilwaukeeJames True second engineer on the steamer S.R. Kirby, which foundered during a heavy gale on Lake Superior, Monday and who was one of but four members of the crew who were saved. Was in Milwaukee visiting his brother, Raymond 012 1-2 Thirty third st.
Glad to get back and lucky to be alive was the way Mr. True summed up his experience.” Without warning the boat crumpled up broke in two went down and the boilers exploded. As it began to go to pieces, whistles were blown and warnings shouted. Capt. Gerardin took his place on the bridge and stuck to his post until he saw the boat was sinking.
As the boat began to break up members of the crew dashed about seeking pieces of timber, life buoys and rafts. The captain dived over the railing and I saw (?) and English bull terrier follow him. The two were swimming side by side when I last saw them. I jumped into the water and made for the life buoy. When I regained consciousness they were working over me on the steamer Utley. I was taken to Hancock Mich. I understand Madra and Lindquist were also rescued.
- Media Type
- Newspaper
- Text
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Publication
- 12 May 1916
- Subject(s)
- Language of Item
- English
- Geographic Coverage
Wisconsin, United States
Latitude: 43.026854113508 Longitude: -87.9013201586914
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