Kingston Newspaper clippings
- p.1 Reminiscences of Kingston - steamers Frontenac, Charlotte and Dalhousie briefly mentioned. [Rockwood Review] Won't Insure "Pin Flats." Toronto, May 4th - The insurance companies chartered in Canap.1 Reminiscences of Kingston - steamers Frontenac, Charlotte and Dalhousie briefly mentioned. …
- p.2 SHOULD DO A GOOD BUSINESS. [Oswego Palladium] A.R. Lee, Detroit, president of the Star Cole line of steamers, and Robert Maxwell, general manager of that line, were here on Saturday making arrangp.2 SHOULD DO A GOOD BUSINESS. [Oswego Palladium] A.R. Lee, Detroit, president …
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The tug Thomson and three light barges arrived from Montreal this morning. The sloop Amelia loaded wheat at Richardson & Sons' elevator today for Collins Bay. The schooner Acp.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The tug Thomson and three light barges arrived from …
- p.1 FOR SALE. That Popular And Well Known Steamer "John Haggart" which for the past four years has run the "Union Park Route," Brockville. Both boat and route are too well known to require any descrip.1 FOR SALE. That Popular And Well Known Steamer "John Haggart" which …
- p.2 THE INLAND SEAS. The tug Walker arrived from Montreal this morning with three light barges. The M.T. company's barge Jennie is in Davis' dry dock receiving general repairs. The tug Thomson, withp.2 THE INLAND SEAS. The tug Walker arrived from Montreal this morning …
- p.2 AN ELEVATOR WANTED. The schooner Kate cleared this morning for Bay ports to load grain for this port. The schooner Queen of the Lakes cleared for Toledo on Saturday to load corn for this port. Thp.2 AN ELEVATOR WANTED. The schooner Kate cleared this morning for Bay …
- p.1 Was Not Damaged - Morrisburg, May 11th - The str. Ocean ran aground Sunday night at the head of the Morrisburg canal. She was on her way to Montreal. The tug Reginald pulled her off yesterday aftp.1 Was Not Damaged - Morrisburg, May 11th - The str. Ocean …
- p.2 General Marine News. The steamer Niagara, Traverse City, timber laden for this port, is due to arrive here tonight. The steamer Iona, Duluth, wheat laden, bound for this port, passed down throughp.2 General Marine News. The steamer Niagara, Traverse City, timber laden for …
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The steamer Iona, Montreal to Trenton, light, called at Swift's wharf this morning to coal up. The schooner Nellie Hunter, light, cleared for Oswego this morning to load coalp.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The steamer Iona, Montreal to Trenton, light, called at …
- p.1 To Have An Investigation - Toronto, May 14th - The damage done to the Beauharnois canal through the breaking of the lock gates by the steamer Ocean is not likely to be as extensive as was supposep.1 To Have An Investigation - Toronto, May 14th - The damage …
- p.2 Sinking of a Tug. Prescott, May 15th - The tug Shickluna sank about two o'clock this morning while lying in Buckley's slip, alongside the steamer Transit. The wind blew a gale and caused a heavyp.2 Sinking of a Tug. Prescott, May 15th - The tug Shickluna …
- p.2 A BIG CARGO COMING. The steamer Murphy, light, cleared on Sunday morning for upper lake ports. The M.T. Co.'s barge Cleveland is in Davis' dry dock undergoing repairs. The schooner Lone Star arrip.2 A BIG CARGO COMING. The steamer Murphy, light, cleared on Sunday …
- p.2 BY WIND AND WAVE. The schooner Nellie Hunter cleared last evening for Oswego to load coal for this port. Three barges are loading peas, oats and buckwheat at Richardson & Sons' elevator for Montrp.2 BY WIND AND WAVE. The schooner Nellie Hunter cleared last evening …
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The steamer Rosemount, light, cleared last evening for Fort William to load wheat for this port. The tug Walker arrived from Montreal last evening with three light barges andp.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The steamer Rosemount, light, cleared last evening for Fort …
- p.2 BY WIND AND WAVE. The barge Lucy is at Napanee loading oats and barley for Richardson & Sons. The schooner Pilot cleared this morning for Trenton to load wheat for Richardson & Sons. The schoonerp.2 BY WIND AND WAVE. The barge Lucy is at Napanee loading …
- p.2 BY WIND AND WAVE. The schooner Fabiola went to Oswego today to load coal for the penitentiary. The schooner Albatross, Cleveland, timber, passed through the Welland canal yesterday bound for thisp.2 BY WIND AND WAVE. The schooner Fabiola went to Oswego today …
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schooner Nellie Hunter cleared this morning for Oswego to load coal for this port. The schooner Ballou arrived this morning from Belleville with a consignment of peas forp.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schooner Nellie Hunter cleared this morning for Oswego …
- not published May 25, 1897 p.6 Canal Not Open Yet - A despatch from Port Dalhousie says: "It is not definitely known yet just when locking will commence here, but at present it looks as though it wilnot published May 25, 1897 p.6 Canal Not Open Yet - A …
- p.2 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The tug Walker with three light barges arrived from Montreal this morning. The schooner Pilot, Bay ports, is at Richardson & Sons' elevator with a cargo of wheat. The schoonerp.2 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The tug Walker with three light barges arrived …
- p.2 KINGSTON GRAIN ELEVATOR. - a letter on the Board of Trade's action - council of Board of Trade met with Mr. Mooers instead of whole board as he requested. signed PROGRESS (1 1/2 columns) THE CANAp.2 KINGSTON GRAIN ELEVATOR. - a letter on the Board of Trade's …
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