p.2 The Steamer Great Britain will leave Kingston for York and Niagara tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon. A new Steam-Boat called the Charles Carroll is plying between Sacketts Harbour and Kingston alterna
p.2 The Steamer Great Britain will leave Kingston for York and Niagara …
p.3 Commodore Barrie, C.B., sailed last evening in H.M. schooner Cockburn, upon a cruise through the Upper Lakes. We are happy to be able to contradict, upon the authority of the York Courier, the mi
p.3 Commodore Barrie, C.B., sailed last evening in H.M. schooner Cockburn, upon …
p.2 Steam Boat Great Britain - This new and splendid boat entered our harbour on Saturday morning last, and most of our citizens had an opportunity of witnessing her spacious accommodations. She has
p.2 Steam Boat Great Britain - This new and splendid boat entered …
p.3 The Great Britain - This fine Vessel arrived in our harbour from York and Niagara yesterday forenoon, having on board the Amherstburgh detachment of the 71st Light Infantry under Capt. Long, on t
p.3 The Great Britain - This fine Vessel arrived in our harbour …
p.2 We are informed by one of the Building Committee, that the Steam-boat William the Fourth, building at Gananoque, under the superintendence of Mr. Jesse Wood of New York, is progressing rapidly. A
p.2 We are informed by one of the Building Committee, that the …
p.3 Another Steamboat - We understand that a number of the enterprising inhabitants of this village, have it in contemplation to build a Steam-Boat, to ply between this place and Prescott - to perfor
p.3 Another Steamboat - We understand that a number of the enterprising …
p.2 It gives us much pleasure to insert the following extract of a Letter from an American traveller dated Oswego July 3rd: "The new arrangement of the line of the Great Britain's trips begins to be
p.2 It gives us much pleasure to insert the following extract of …
p.2 A Meeting was held at Adolphustown on the 12th instant, to consult on measures towards building and establishing a steam-boat, to ply between Prescott and the head of the Bay of Quinte. Subscript
p.2 A Meeting was held at Adolphustown on the 12th instant, to …
p.2 Welland Canal - advertising for 500 hands, can't get help, pay is 12 dollars a month with board. [York Courier] Shipwreck on Lake Ontario - The Henry Clay, on her first voyage from Oswego to Clev
p.2 Welland Canal - advertising for 500 hands, can't get help, pay …
p.3 Notice - The Share Holders in the Rideau Canal Steam Boat John By, are hereby required to pay into my hands on or before the 7th day of September next, a 3rd instalment of two pounds ten shilling
p.3 Notice - The Share Holders in the Rideau Canal Steam Boat …