Kingston Newspaper clippings
- p.2 On Wednesday night the enginery for the steam-boat John By arrived here in sleighs from Montreal. On the opening of the navigation it is expected that she will be perfectly completed. Messrs. McPp.2 On Wednesday night the enginery for the steam-boat John By arrived …
- p.3 GOVERNMENT CONTRACT. STEAM-BOAT TRANSPORT. Notice is hereby given, that Sealed Tenders will be received at the Commissariat Office, Kingston, until 12 o'clock of Monday, the 27th day of Februaryp.3 GOVERNMENT CONTRACT. STEAM-BOAT TRANSPORT. Notice is hereby given, that Sealed Tenders …
- p.2 Rideau Canal - "A Friend to Justice and Merit" has published at the Patriot Office what appears to us to be a remarkably fair and candid statement in the form of a pamphlet entitled "Notices of tp.2 Rideau Canal - "A Friend to Justice and Merit" has published …
- p.2 ice is piled up 20-40 feet high in places; water 20-30 feet higher than normal. [Cornwall Observer] p.3 The Stockholders of the Steam Boat William the Fourth are requested to meet at Gananoque onp.2 ice is piled up 20-40 feet high in places; water 20-30 …
- p.2 New Steam Boat - The gentlemen of the committee appointed to collect subscriptions for a new Steam Boat to ply between Port Hamilton, York, and Niagara, are requested to have their lists in readip.2 New Steam Boat - The gentlemen of the committee appointed to …
- p.2 The British Gov't is to offer the Rideau Canal to Province without compensation and has reduced the Engineer's Office in the Canada command; Capt. Bolton remains for the present in charge of thep.2 The British Gov't is to offer the Rideau Canal to Province …
- p.3 Colonel By arrived in town last evening, to hold a public dinner for him next Tuesday at Carmino's Hotel. We understand that Mr. Thorn, who resides near Brockville, has been appointed Captain ofp.3 Colonel By arrived in town last evening, to hold a public …
- p.3 PUBLIC DINNER TO COLONEL BY. Tuesday last being the day on which Colonel by accepted the invitation of the principal inhabitants of Kingston to a public dinner, upwards of 70 persons including thp.3 PUBLIC DINNER TO COLONEL BY. Tuesday last being the day on …
- p.3 Important Sale of Naval Stores - to be held on May 8th at Dock Yard, Kingston, consisting of timber, topmasts, yards and spars; on 21st May at Naval Depot at Montreal, a quantity of blocks, cordap.3 Important Sale of Naval Stores - to be held on May …
- p.2 Army Movement - orders given to withdraw all troops stationed at Sackets Harbor at opening of navigation; the only American naval depot on the Lake. [Watertown Freeman] p.3 The enterprising proprp.2 Army Movement - orders given to withdraw all troops stationed at …
- p.2 The schooner Brock sailed from Burlington Canal for York about a month ago, with whiskey, pork, etc., and a number of passengers on board, which shews the decided advantages that section of the cp.2 The schooner Brock sailed from Burlington Canal for York about a …
- p.2 The Portsmouth Herald of the 12th February has the following paragraph: - J.R. Glover, Esquire, is appointed Storekeeper of Halifax Yard; the situations of Master Attendant & Master Shipwright atp.2 The Portsmouth Herald of the 12th February has the following paragraph: …
- p.2 Presentation of a Service of Plate to Capt. Richardson. The humane and spirited conduct of Captain Richardson, of the Steamer Canada, and of the seamen under his command during the last season, ip.2 Presentation of a Service of Plate to Capt. Richardson. The humane …
- p.2 considerable progress made over winter on Chambly Canal. p.3 On Tuesday last, agreeable to the advertisement to that effect, the Committee of the Steam boat John By appointed Captain Johnston, fop.2 considerable progress made over winter on Chambly Canal. p.3 On Tuesday …
- p.1 Proclamation - Upper Canada - a proclamation by J. Colborne, Lieutenant Governor, giving rates and dues charged for passengers, live stock, wood, staves, etc. p.2 Steamboat Intelligence - In addip.1 Proclamation - Upper Canada - a proclamation by J. Colborne, Lieutenant …
- p.2 The Welland Canal is now in order and full operation. Several Arks, Scows, and Rafts, have already passed the Deep cut, containing upwards of 3000 bls. Flour, Whiskey, Ashes, etc. and between 20p.2 The Welland Canal is now in order and full operation. Several …
- p.3 Rideau Canal Tolls - address from inhabitants of Kingston presented to Lieutenant Governor - against high tolls. The inhabitants of Kingston were gratified on Wednesday last with one of the grandp.3 Rideau Canal Tolls - address from inhabitants of Kingston presented to …
- p.3 Rideau Canal - In a late number of the Herald we announced that this magnificent work would be completed in a few weeks, but we were not prepared, at so early a period, for the interesting scenep.3 Rideau Canal - In a late number of the Herald we …
- p.2 The following notice was received this morning by the Collector of this Port. Custom House Office, York, 25th May, 1832. Sir: I beg leave to request, that you will be pleased to cause the mastersp.2 The following notice was received this morning by the Collector of …
- p.2 Davies' Mills, 24th May, 1832. Dear Sir - Mr. Thomas Burrowes and myself are just returned from the Narrows, Rideau Lake, distance from Kingston 50 to 60 miles, after leaving Col. By and his ...p.2 Davies' Mills, 24th May, 1832. Dear Sir - Mr. Thomas Burrowes …
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