p.2 letter to Editor - complaining of late delivery of U.S. mails from Cape Vincent via Pierrepont steamer - signed by U.S. Consular Agent Thos. J. Angel. -Imports - 6-8.
p.2 letter to Editor - complaining of late delivery of U.S. mails …
p.2 steamer Bowmanville makes trip to Toronto and returns. -Opening of Steamboat Navigation - steamers Cataract and Niagara to start about 20th; Bay State and Ontario about May 1st. [Ogdensburg Journ
p.2 steamer Bowmanville makes trip to Toronto and returns. -Opening of Steamboat …
p.2 The Rideau Canal - water to be let in on 16th; Prince Albert ran last year. [Perth Standard] -Imports - 13-15. -Buffalo April 15 - fire destroys part of shipyard and railway of Mason & Bidwell.
p.2 The Rideau Canal - water to be let in on 16th; …
p.2 The Steamers Boston and St. Lawrence We direct attention to the two Advertisements of the steamers Boston and St. Lawrence, the property of Mr. John Meagher. While, owing to various circumstances
p.2 The Steamers Boston and St. Lawrence We direct attention to the …
p.2 Light House Discontinued - at New Buffalo, Lake Michigan. -For the West Indies - schooner Belle to take load of staves. [Detroit Advertiser] -schooner Saranac caught fire in dry-dock at Chicago.
p.2 Light House Discontinued - at New Buffalo, Lake Michigan. -For the …
p.2 First Steamer Through the Eastern Entrance - steamer Bowmanville, drawing 7'6". -First Sail From the Upper Lakes - schooner Carrington arrives. [Buffalo Courier 16th] -News From Green Bay - brig.
p.2 First Steamer Through the Eastern Entrance - steamer Bowmanville, drawing 7'6". …
p.2 steamer Princess Royal to run in N.B.; steamer Arabian to run between Shediac and Quebec. [Quebec Chronicle] -Schr. Fulton Ashore - at Mackinac. -Schr. R. Campbell Ashore - in Straits of Mackinaw
p.2 steamer Princess Royal to run in N.B.; steamer Arabian to run …