p.3 Notice - The Stockholders in the Steam Boat William the Fourth are requested to pay 10 per cent on each share, on or before the 1st day of May, 1831. A. McDonnell, Agent & Treas. Prescott, 4th Ma
p.3 Notice - The Stockholders in the Steam Boat William the Fourth …
p.2 Commerce on the Lakes - an Act of the U.S. Congress, regulating the foreign and coasting trade of the lakes. p.3 Welland Canal - proposals called for enlarging and other work - two routes to choo
p.2 Commerce on the Lakes - an Act of the U.S. Congress, …
p.2 The Ice still lingers in the Bay and River in front of the Town - part of the channel is now however open, and there is every prospect, that in a few days, this obstacle, to the free navigation o
p.2 The Ice still lingers in the Bay and River in front …
p.2 Rideau and Grenville Canals discussed in House of Commons in England. Rideau Canal - little is known about it in England. The Steam Boat Niagara, Capt. Mosier, arrived in this harbour Wednesday e
p.2 Rideau and Grenville Canals discussed in House of Commons in England. …
p.2 The navigation of the Lake and River is now open, and from the merry note of preparation at our wharves, we may expect a busy, and, for the sake of our commercial friends, we sincerely hope a luc
p.2 The navigation of the Lake and River is now open, and …
p.3 Tenders called for conveyance of Naval Stores, Baggage, etc., from Kingston to Montreal and vice versa. 13th April, 1831. To Be Let - For a period of Three or Seven years, from 1st June next, (su
p.3 Tenders called for conveyance of Naval Stores, Baggage, etc., from Kingston …
p.2 Michael Spratt, Esq. Master Intendant of our Navy Yard, and Stephen Yarwood Esq. Secretary to Commodore Barrie, to leave Kingston. Canada Canals - discussed in House of Commons; 131 documents abo
p.2 Michael Spratt, Esq. Master Intendant of our Navy Yard, and Stephen …
p.2 The Schooner Prescott - This fine Schooner which was wrecked three weeks ago in York Bay, and has since been lying on the Bar, with her hull several feet under water - was yesterday raised, and t
p.2 The Schooner Prescott - This fine Schooner which was wrecked three …
p.2 The Great Britain Steam Vessel - On Monday last the curiosity and admiration of the inhabitants of Kingston were, to a considerable degrees (sic), excited, by the appearance at the King's wharf,
p.2 The Great Britain Steam Vessel - On Monday last the curiosity …