NEWS FROM PORT HURON. - The FREE PRESS correspondent at Port Huron writes Nov. 5th. The severest gale of the season is prevailing in this vicinity and the wind is apparently increasing in velocity. A
NEWS FROM PORT HURON. - The FREE PRESS correspondent at Port Huron …
A New Tug in the Harbor. - We were this morning treated to a very pleasant excursion over the blue waters of Old Ontario, on the tug, "G.S. Dodge," - a recent accession to the tug force in our harbor
A New Tug in the Harbor. - We were this morning treated …
The "Thomas Kingsford." - This vessel just from the stocks of Ald. Rogers does credit to her builder and our city. - She is, without doubt, the finest specimen of ship architecture ever before built
The "Thomas Kingsford." - This vessel just from the stocks of Ald. …
The lifesaving crew at Cleveland are experimenting with a new fire extinguisher.. It consists merely of a powerful double-cylinder force pump on a large flat-bottomed boat. It draws its supply from t
The lifesaving crew at Cleveland are experimenting with a new fire extinguisher.. …
Capt. J. G. Kiah, superintendent of the tenth district life-saving service, states that the lake has been encroaching on the house at Crisp station, situated above Whitefish Point, on Lake Superior.
Capt. J. G. Kiah, superintendent of the tenth district life-saving service, states …
The City of Duluth, one of the steamers in the service of the Graham & Morton Line, lies wrecked on a sand bar off the mouth of the harbor of St. Joseph. Sixteen passengers and a crew of twenty were
The City of Duluth, one of the steamers in the service of …
Buffalo, October 3. - [Special].] - The storm which set in shortly before 7 o'clock this morning has been the most severe one of the season. The wind reached fifty-two miles an hour several times bet
Buffalo, October 3. - [Special].] - The storm which set in shortly …
Five cable boats, whatever that may mean, have been purchased at Buffalo by Duluth parties and are now enroute to that point. Two of them have machinery and are towing the others. They are to be used
Five cable boats, whatever that may mean, have been purchased at Buffalo …
The cable boats referred to in yesterday's issue as being bound for Duluth, arrived at Malden Tuesday night. The vessels were fifty-five hours between Buffalo and the Detroit river, the delay having
The cable boats referred to in yesterday's issue as being bound for …