Kingston Newspaper clippings
- p.3 The Ice Bridge - to Wolfe Island has formed at last. -The Storm at Oswego - Delos de Wolf and another vessel broke moorings. [Oswego Times]p.3 The Ice Bridge - to Wolfe Island has formed at last. …
- p.3 Police Court - 2 sailors charged with assault.p.3 Police Court - 2 sailors charged with assault.
- p.2 A Tunnel Under Lake Michigan - to be 2 miles long, to bring water to Chicago.p.2 A Tunnel Under Lake Michigan - to be 2 miles long, …
- p.2 Burning of the Green Island Lighthouse - description of lighthouse. [Sandusky Register] -a letter to editor complaining of ice road being closed so people will have to pay toll to cross bridge. -p.2 Burning of the Green Island Lighthouse - description of lighthouse. [Sandusky …
- p.3 Trade of Kingston For 1863 - imports, exports, duties.p.3 Trade of Kingston For 1863 - imports, exports, duties.
- p.2 Tenders called for two 4-oared boats and to do repairs to Gov't boats. p.3 The Detroit River - is frozen over except for channel kept open by Union ferry boat. -The Welland R.R. Steamship Line -p.2 Tenders called for two 4-oared boats and to do repairs to …
- p.3 Ice Burthened - schooner Theresa pushed up on beach at Cape Vincent.p.3 Ice Burthened - schooner Theresa pushed up on beach at Cape …
- p.2 United Counties of York & Peel Assizes - Cameron vs. Milloy - a passenger on str. Zimmerman sues for injuries sustained by jumping from steamer to dock.p.2 United Counties of York & Peel Assizes - Cameron vs. Milloy …
- p.3 Chicago As A Lumber Market - received 393 million feet of lumber by lake.p.3 Chicago As A Lumber Market - received 393 million feet of …
- p.3 The Coal Trade Cut Off - exports to Canada forbidden. [Oswego Palladium 16th]p.3 The Coal Trade Cut Off - exports to Canada forbidden. [Oswego …
- p.2 Death of A. McFaul - at Wellington on Jan. 25. p.3 A Line of Vessels To Run Between Chicago & Liverpool - comprised of barks Etowah, Ravenna and Wirralite. [Chicago Tribune]p.2 Death of A. McFaul - at Wellington on Jan. 25. p.3 …
- p.2 Forwarding Stock - tenders called for stock belonging to late firm of Cowan & Holcomb - the steamers West, Brantford and Geo. Moffatt ; barges Falcon , Thrush , Robin , Swan, Margaret , Experimenp.2 Forwarding Stock - tenders called for stock belonging to late firm …
- p.2 a line of ships will run from Liverpool direct to lakes; barque Ravenna made trip from Liverpool to Cleveland in 40 days.p.2 a line of ships will run from Liverpool direct to lakes; …
- p.3 Lake Superior Route - contract awarded to Mr. Carruthers and Capt. C. Perry; boat to be used is the City of Toronto, rebuilt from the bottom, with new boilers and overhauled machinery.p.3 Lake Superior Route - contract awarded to Mr. Carruthers and Capt. …
- p.3 Another Cock and a Bull - the News' story about Bowen's wharf, late St. Lawrence wharf, is not true.p.3 Another Cock and a Bull - the News' story about Bowen's …
- p.2 City Council - moved that a special committee of Council be appointed to investigate and ascertain the amount of money invested by the Corporation of the City of Kingston in the Wolfe Island Canap.2 City Council - moved that a special committee of Council be …
- p.3 Captain Watson of steamer Union of Chatham was reinstated to berth.p.3 Captain Watson of steamer Union of Chatham was reinstated to berth.
- p.3 Lake Ontario Steamers - steamboat arrangements to be similar to last year; Cataract to be partially rebuilt; the North Shore boat Rochester to be ready to run by 1st April.p.3 Lake Ontario Steamers - steamboat arrangements to be similar to last …
- p.3 Mr. Berry's New Vessels - building at Portsmouth. [News]p.3 Mr. Berry's New Vessels - building at Portsmouth. [News]
- p.3 Police Court - a man is charged with larceny for stealing tools and lead pipe from steamer Champion.p.3 Police Court - a man is charged with larceny for stealing …
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