Kingston Newspaper clippings
- p.7 Incidents of the Day - One of the finest and largest private pleasure yachts on the St. Lawrence was in port on Friday. It was the Kismet, the property of W.H. Downing, of Brockville. The owner ap.7 Incidents of the Day - One of the finest and largest …
- p.1 Will Condemn Plan For Long Sault Dam - p.2 IN MARINE CIRCLES. Kingston mariners will be pleased to learn that at last steps are to be taken to dredge the harbor at Ogdensburg. United States Enginp.1 Will Condemn Plan For Long Sault Dam - p.2 IN MARINE …
- not published July 29, 1913 p.1 RUDDER BREAKS ON BOAT WHILE IN SWIFT CURRENT. Ogdensburg, N.Y., July 29th - On its way from Oswego to Montreal laden with 1,600 tons of coal, the steamer Nicaragua ofnot published July 29, 1913 p.1 RUDDER BREAKS ON BOAT WHILE IN …
- p.2 More Wharf Accommodation Needed - really only two public wharfs; the Canadian Pacific railroad wharf which runs from the island wharf to Folger's wharf doesn't have enough water for bigger boatsp.2 More Wharf Accommodation Needed - really only two public wharfs; the …
- p.1 Norcross Is Elected - Montreal, July 31st - At yesterday's meeting of the R. & O., Edmund Bristol, M.P., and W. Grant Morden retired in favor of J.W. Norcross, managing director of the Canada Intp.1 Norcross Is Elected - Montreal, July 31st - At yesterday's meeting …
- p.5 BIG RUSH OF GRAIN Up till Friday, when the steamer Fordonian discharged at the grain elevator of the Montreal Transportation company, the grain handled by this elevator, since the opening of navip.5 BIG RUSH OF GRAIN Up till Friday, when the steamer Fordonian …
- p.1 Shooting Accidental - coroner's inquest continued at Cornwall; sailor shot on steamer Algonquin in Soulanges Canal had made statement to nurses before he died that it was an accident; Edward Wainp.1 Shooting Accidental - coroner's inquest continued at Cornwall; sailor shot on …
- p.1 Trent Valley Canal - Ottawa, Aug. 4th - start of construction within sight. COUNCIL TO INVESTIGATE. Ogdensburg, N.Y., Aug. 4th - In all probability, the common council at its next meeting will enp.1 Trent Valley Canal - Ottawa, Aug. 4th - start of construction …
- p.1 Toronto Yacht Sank - the cruising yacht Verona of the Queen City Yacht Club, struck a log and sankoff Toronto, 6 on board rescued by life-saving crew from Toronto Island. p.3 The Origin of Name -p.1 Toronto Yacht Sank - the cruising yacht Verona of the Queen …
- p.5 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The steamer Beattie is on the way here from Chicago, with corn, and will discharge at Richardson's elevator. The schooner Ford River cleared Wednesday morning, loaded with feldp.5 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The steamer Beattie is on the way here …
- p.5 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The steamer Charles Beatty arrived from Chicago with a cargo of corn and is discharging at Richardson's elevator. The steamer Neepawah passed down on Thursday morning. The steap.5 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The steamer Charles Beatty arrived from Chicago with …
- p.1 SCHOONER IN DANGER ON LAKE OFF TORONTO Toronto, Aug. 8th - Whistles of distress were heard from the lake about a mile and a half from the life-saving station at 11:35 o'clock last night. Mate Macp.1 SCHOONER IN DANGER ON LAKE OFF TORONTO Toronto, Aug. 8th - …
- p.2 On Way To Brockville - The steambarge Navajo arrived in port, on Saturday morning, from Buffalo, with a cargo of pig iron, and cleared for Brockville, where the vessel will be discharged. p.5 FORp.2 On Way To Brockville - The steambarge Navajo arrived in port, …
- p.1 Child Died on Tug - on tug Hector from cholera during trip up from Montreal. p.5 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The steamer Algonquin passed up on Sunday night. She towed the steamer Cataract here from Brockp.1 Child Died on Tug - on tug Hector from cholera during …
- p.1 Saved From Drowning - on her way over from Oswego with coal for Rockwood hospital, the steamer Sowards, Capt. Shaw, picked up two men off Sodus Point, wearing life preservers, and returned them tp.1 Saved From Drowning - on her way over from Oswego with …
- p.1 SAILOR WAS INJURED Speary Fredette, a young man employed as a sailor on the schooner St. Louis, and whose home is in Belleville, is a patient at the Hotel Dieu. When the schooner arrived at the wp.1 SAILOR WAS INJURED Speary Fredette, a young man employed as a …
- p.5 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The steambarge Navajo arrived in port from Bowmanville, and cleared for Port Colborne. The schooner Arthur cleared for Oswego. The American survey boat, in port on Wednesday, cp.5 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The steambarge Navajo arrived in port from Bowmanville, …
- p.1 A NEW LIGHTHOUSE. Aug. 15th - The marine and fisheries department has decided to construct tenders a new lighthouse on Main Duck Island in Lake Ontario. The new building will have a steel and conp.1 A NEW LIGHTHOUSE. Aug. 15th - The marine and fisheries department …
- p.1 Will Not Recommend Damming the St. Lawrence - commission looking at ways to maintain consistent levels of water. p.8 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The schooner Ford River arrived from Charlotte, coal laden,p.1 Will Not Recommend Damming the St. Lawrence - commission looking at …
- p.3 World News - The steamer Wexford, with corn from Fort William, is aground at Lime Island, Lake Superior. IN MARINE CIRCLES. The steamers Acadian and Meaford passed down grain laden from Fort Willp.3 World News - The steamer Wexford, with corn from Fort William, …
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