Kingston Newspaper clippings
- p.2 Engine Recovered - went through Collins Bay bridge, removed by tug Johnson of Calvin Co. p.3 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The steamer Sowards arrived from Oswego with coal, and is discharging at Soward's wp.2 Engine Recovered - went through Collins Bay bridge, removed by tug …
- p.2 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The steamers Neepawah and City of Hamilton passed up, and the steamers Glen Davis and Cadillac passed down. The schooner Ford River went down to Davis drydock today for repairsp.2 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The steamers Neepawah and City of Hamilton passed …
- p.1 Negroes For R. & O. - The R. & O. Co. will in all probability make a further change in regard to the employment of colored help on the steamers by placing colored stewards on the large passengerp.1 Negroes For R. & O. - The R. & O. Co. …
- p.1 VESSELS IN COLLISION Particulars were received in marine circles Tuesday afternoon, relative to the collision between two well known steamers, the Lloyd S. Porter and Fairfax. The two vessels camp.1 VESSELS IN COLLISION Particulars were received in marine circles Tuesday afternoon, …
- p.5 IN MARINE CIRCLES M.T. Co.'s wharf: steamer Advance down on Tuesday evening with grain from Port Colborne to Montreal; tug Emerson arrived from Charlotte with two coal barges, and will clear todap.5 IN MARINE CIRCLES M.T. Co.'s wharf: steamer Advance down on Tuesday …
- p.2 Fell Down Hatchway - Daniel Brown, steward on steamer Beaverton, fell down hatch, and was injured. p.5 IN MARINE CIRCLES The schooner Ford River is at Richardson's wharf, loading feldspar. The scp.2 Fell Down Hatchway - Daniel Brown, steward on steamer Beaverton, fell …
- p.2 Traction Engine Raised Again - again went through bridge at Collins Bay, raised by tug Johnson of Calvin Co. p.2 FIRST OF THE NEW GRAIN The first of the new grain from the west has arrived in Kinp.2 Traction Engine Raised Again - again went through bridge at Collins …
- p.1 A Woman Pilot - Capt. T.W. Foote, of the private yacht Wawatarpee, of Chicago, is only woman on great lakes to hold a license from the United States. p.3 New Steamer For Napanee-Picton Route - Dap.1 A Woman Pilot - Capt. T.W. Foote, of the private yacht …
- p.1 VERY GRAVE FEARS ENTERTAINED FOR SHIP'S SAFETY Sault Ste. Marie, Sept. 22nd - Grave fears are entertained here for the safety of the Northern Navigation steamer Huronic, which is now one day overp.1 VERY GRAVE FEARS ENTERTAINED FOR SHIP'S SAFETY Sault Ste. Marie, Sept. …
- p.1 Captain Washed Overboard - Sault Ste. Marie, Sept. 23rd - Barge 137, in tow of the steamer Matoa, of the Pittsburgh Steamship company, lost her captain Saturday night. Captain O.W. Holdridge wasp.1 Captain Washed Overboard - Sault Ste. Marie, Sept. 23rd - Barge …
- p.5 IN MARINE CIRCLES Report received in local circles states that the storm has cleared on the upper lakes, and that vessels are now making good headway. Several grain vessels are expected to reachp.5 IN MARINE CIRCLES Report received in local circles states that the …
- p.2 BIG RUSH NEW GRAIN On The Way To The Montreal Transportation Co. There will be quite a rush of new grain at the elevator of the Montreal Transportation company, during the next few days. The steap.2 BIG RUSH NEW GRAIN On The Way To The Montreal Transportation …
- p.2 A Sailor Was Robbed - on Swift's wharf Thursday night. p.3 Rushing Welland Canal Contracts - Ottawa, Sept. 26th - Tenders will be called for another section of Welland canal shortly. Sections onep.2 A Sailor Was Robbed - on Swift's wharf Thursday night. p.3 …
- p.1 To Have Uniformity in Navigation Rules - Canadian department of marine and fisheries is preparing changes to make the laws more in harmony with the U.S. navigation laws. p.8 FIRE CAUSED LITTLE DEp.1 To Have Uniformity in Navigation Rules - Canadian department of marine …
- p.1 Gananoque, Sept. 29th - ....The coal schooner Horace Taber is in port with a cargo for the Taylor Coal and Lumber company. p.2 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The Donnelly Salvage and Wrecking company has acqp.1 Gananoque, Sept. 29th - ....The coal schooner Horace Taber is in …
- p.1 IN MARINE CIRCLES The steamer Charles Marshall passed on her way to Montreal on Tuesday morning. The steamer Neepawah passed on her way down to Montreal on Monday night. The tug Argyle and scowsp.1 IN MARINE CIRCLES The steamer Charles Marshall passed on her way …
- p.1 Marine Accidents - Point Pelee, Lake Erie, Oct. 1st - The City of London, a wooden freighter, rammed the steel steamer Morrow, and both were badly damaged. Sault Ste. Marie, Oct. 1st - The freighp.1 Marine Accidents - Point Pelee, Lake Erie, Oct. 1st - The …
- p.2 Sailor Goes To Jail - David Elcock, a sailor employed on a schooner which was tied at the wharf at Portsmouth on Wednesday, will spend thirty days in the county jail on the charge of being drunkp.2 Sailor Goes To Jail - David Elcock, a sailor employed on …
- p.1 Prescott Light Depot - at a banquet in his honor, J.D. Hazen, minister of marine and fisheries, announces that more land has been acquired to enable the making of lights, buoys, lighthouse apparap.1 Prescott Light Depot - at a banquet in his honor, J.D. …
- p.1 LOST THE FRANCHISE Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., Oct. 4th - Owing to the failure to send any representative to this city yesterday, the Sault Ste. Marie Dry Dock and Shipbuilding company, which was repp.1 LOST THE FRANCHISE Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., Oct. 4th - Owing …
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