p.2 Mr. Bethune, the proprietor of the Lake lines of steamers, has reduced the fare between this port and Toronto to $5 - an act which we are satisfied will be duly appreciated by the travelling comm
p.2 Mr. Bethune, the proprietor of the Lake lines of steamers, has …
p.2 It is stated in the Kingston News, that no place in the neighbourhood of the Seat of Government is more susceptible of improvement than Portsmouth, situated at the distance of a mile and a half f
p.2 It is stated in the Kingston News, that no place in …
(this print very hard to read on microfilm - the numbers sometimes a best guess - ed.) p.2 PORT OF KINGSTON. Arrived - March 29 - Schr. Daniel Webster, 1156 bbls flour, Macpherson & Crane; Dexter, 16
(this print very hard to read on microfilm - the numbers sometimes …
(also in Montreal Gazette, May 18, 1842 but not credited to News) p.2 PORT OF KINGSTON. Arrived - May 6 - Str. Vulcan, 96 flour, M'Gibbon, Ferguson & Co., 20 pork, 5 ashes, Macpherson & Crane; Niagar
(also in Montreal Gazette, May 18, 1842 but not credited to News) …
p.2 PORT OF KINGSTON. Arrived - May 17 - Str. Niagara, 205 flour, H. & S. Jones; str. St. George, 150 do., do.; J. Porter, 367 pork, do.; C.P. Thompson, 4538 pcs. staves, Macpherson & Crane; Florida,
p.2 PORT OF KINGSTON. Arrived - May 17 - Str. Niagara, 205 …