Kingston Newspaper clippings
- p.2 Will Not Rescue Her - wrecked steamer Frances near Montreal. p.3 MARINE NEWS. The schrs. Hyderabad and Bangalore have laid up at Chicago. The yacht Garfield was hauled out today and put into wintp.2 Will Not Rescue Her - wrecked steamer Frances near Montreal. p.3 …
- p.2 Condensed Telegrams - live seals seen at Grenadier Island, Lake Ontario, on several occasions; last was about ten years ago. MARINE NEWS. Mr. Merryman, the wrecker, will raise the prop. Oneida sup.2 Condensed Telegrams - live seals seen at Grenadier Island, Lake Ontario, …
- p.2 Rathbun & Co. are said to be seriously contemplating the removal of their business from Oswego. They say Deseronto can be made the distributing point for their lumber. They have railroad tracks rp.2 Rathbun & Co. are said to be seriously contemplating the removal …
- p.2 LAKE AND RIVER. The props. Acadia, Ocean and Europe are storm delayed at Swift's wharf. The schr. Cataract is loading ore for Cleveland, and the schr. Oliver Mowat, ore for Fair Haven. There is ap.2 LAKE AND RIVER. The props. Acadia, Ocean and Europe are storm …
- p.1 Another Welland Scare - a Fenian on prop. Europe? [Welland Tribune] p.2 MARINE NOTES. The City of Montreal takes wheat from Detroit to Montreal at 8 cents per bushel. The schr. Guiding Star, coalp.1 Another Welland Scare - a Fenian on prop. Europe? [Welland Tribune] …
- p.3 ON THE WATERS. The steamer James Lee struck a skiff near President's Island last night. A man, woman and boy were drowned.. The divided parts of the steamer Athabasca have passed through the Cornp.3 ON THE WATERS. The steamer James Lee struck a skiff near …
- p.3 LAKE AND RIVER. The schr. G.M. Case, of Oswego, has been sold to Detroit people for $14,000. The C.P.R. steamship sections were at Prescott last night. The expedition will probably reach this citp.3 LAKE AND RIVER. The schr. G.M. Case, of Oswego, has been …
- p.2 LAKE AND RIVER. The schr. Sea Bird has reached Rathbun's wharf from Deseronto with lumber. The steam barge Albion was obliged to cut her tow loose and return to Charlotte. Great white caps rolledp.2 LAKE AND RIVER. The schr. Sea Bird has reached Rathbun's wharf …
- p.2 HUMANITY REWARDED. The Department of Marine has decided to present to Mr. Michael Troy, of Wolfe Island, a silver watch in recognition of his humane and praiseworthy exertions in saving life in Lp.2 HUMANITY REWARDED. The Department of Marine has decided to present to …
- p.3 MARINE NOTES. The schr. Eureka is in port, laden with coal for the Gas Company. The tug Protection, which was thought to have been lost with all hands, has been heard from. The divided parts of tp.3 MARINE NOTES. The schr. Eureka is in port, laden with coal …
- p.2 Auction Sale - of str. D.C. West on 20th inst. p.3 MARINE NOTES. The steamer Maud, as soon as the weather moderates, will proceed to Sackett's Harbor and tow the disabled schooner Wm. Home to thep.2 Auction Sale - of str. D.C. West on 20th inst. p.3 …
- p.1 Vessel Safe Enough - Chicago, Nov. 15th - The str. Argonaut, which it was feared had foundered in Sunday's storm, is reported safe at Port Hope. The owners of the barge Merrimac think she is alsop.1 Vessel Safe Enough - Chicago, Nov. 15th - The str. Argonaut, …
- p.2 MARINE NOTES. It takes brave men to make sailors at such a season. The steamship Athabasca lies at South Bay, windbound. The schr. Oliver Mowat, ore laden for Fairhaven, is lying at Waupoose Islap.2 MARINE NOTES. It takes brave men to make sailors at such …
- p.2 MARINE NEWS. The last of the steamships, Alberta, arrived at noon. The str. Junita has been hauled out at Washington Island, near Clayton. The schr. Herbert Dudley has cleared for Oswego with 16,p.2 MARINE NEWS. The last of the steamships, Alberta, arrived at noon. …
- p.2 Condensed Telegrams - The fate of the missing schooner Blazing Star has been solved. She sunk in quicksand near Long Point on Sunday. The crew were rescued. p.3 The Rock Island Light - A Claytonp.2 Condensed Telegrams - The fate of the missing schooner Blazing Star …
- p.2 MARINE NOTES. The forwarders have ceased operations for the season. The schr. Wm. Elgin has stripped and gone into winter quarters. The schr. Acacia is here with coal from Oswego. She has made hep.2 MARINE NOTES. The forwarders have ceased operations for the season. The …
- p.2 MARINE NOTES. Capt. Maurice Langan has offered $100 for the recovery of his brother's body. The schrs. M.A. Lydon, Maria Annette and Two Brothers are in winter quarters at Port Hope. The steamship.2 MARINE NOTES. Capt. Maurice Langan has offered $100 for the recovery …
- p.2 MARINE NEWS. The schr. Sir C.T. Von Straubenzie is ashore at Point Prophey, Lake Superior, with her rudder gone. McRossie's raft, which was stuck in the canal, has reached Kingston all right, andp.2 MARINE NEWS. The schr. Sir C.T. Von Straubenzie is ashore at …
- p.2 Late Portsmouth Items - The first elevating was done at the premises of the K. & M.F. Co. on Saturday by the discharge of the cargo of the William Home, of Detroit, which went ashore at Sackett'sp.2 Late Portsmouth Items - The first elevating was done at the …
- p.3 Yesterday's Storm - W. McRossie's raft broken up in Cataraqui Bay. Here & There - Athabasca halves arrive at Buffalo. schrs. Fitzgerald, Leadville and Blazing Star, sunk near Long Point, Lake Erip.3 Yesterday's Storm - W. McRossie's raft broken up in Cataraqui Bay. …
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