Kingston Newspaper clippings
- p.3 The Rideau Canal Extension - deputation goes to Ottawa to push cause. Here & There - Capt. John Cornelius repainting schr. Gazelle. sailors will vote for new president, McComb or McLaughlin. R. Dp.3 The Rideau Canal Extension - deputation goes to Ottawa to push …
- p.3 The Sailors' Mission - Rev. Mr. Bone, sailor's missionary, preaching at two churches; has been sixteen years in the work.p.3 The Sailors' Mission - Rev. Mr. Bone, sailor's missionary, preaching at …
- p.3 Here & There - str. Hastings again to be chartered by Dominion Wrecking & Salvage Co. Personal Mention - Capt. Milligan to be captain of schr. Oriental this season. James Palmer, who has been actp.3 Here & There - str. Hastings again to be chartered by …
- p.2 Died - On March 18th, Thomas McGrath, residence Gore & Ontario streets. (capt. ?) p.3 Sailors' Union Meeting - A meeting of the Sailors' Union was held last night in the building on Ontario Streep.2 Died - On March 18th, Thomas McGrath, residence Gore & Ontario …
- p.1 District Dashes - better ferry service wanted between Sophiasburgh, Fredericksburgh and Deseronto. p.3 Here & There - Capt. John Donnelly will release the schr. Siberia, of Garden Island, now lyip.1 District Dashes - better ferry service wanted between Sophiasburgh, Fredericksburgh and …
- p.3 Marine Appointments - Mr. Kennedy, mate of the propeller Myles. James Gardiner, mate of the Active. p.J. McGrath, employ of Hall & Co., Ogdensburg. Capt. H. Brown, of Cape Vincent, master of propp.3 Marine Appointments - Mr. Kennedy, mate of the propeller Myles. James …
- p.2 SHOVELLERS' UNION. The Editor, British Whig. Dear Sir, - Permit me to say we are all alive and well, though the charitable outside manager of the M.T. Company deprived us of labor through a longp.2 SHOVELLERS' UNION. The Editor, British Whig. Dear Sir, - Permit me …
- p.3 A New Steamer - Capt. Wilson Garrett, of Smith's Falls, whose boat became so popular to excursionists between Ottawa and Montreal during the last two seasons, intends putting a new steamer on thep.3 A New Steamer - Capt. Wilson Garrett, of Smith's Falls, whose …
- p.3 NEW STEAMBOAT LINE. J.E. Anderson, general passenger and freight agent, general superintendent Childs, division superintendents Lamphere and Canfield and other officials of the N.Y.O.W.R.R., assep.3 NEW STEAMBOAT LINE. J.E. Anderson, general passenger and freight agent, general …
- p.1 A Reply To Shoveller. The Editor, British Whig. Dear Sir, - We are rejoiced to know that the shovellers are in such good trim for the spring work. We never had any belief in the statement that shp.1 A Reply To Shoveller. The Editor, British Whig. Dear Sir, - …
- p.2 A Plucked Mariner. The Editor, British Whig. Sir, - I was one of the candidates at the late Mariners' Examination, held in Kingston, and I think I have a right to complain of the way in which thep.2 A Plucked Mariner. The Editor, British Whig. Sir, - I was …
- p.2 Latest Local News - Mr. Cousineau, formerly of str. Corsican, will act as steward on str. Hero this year. Norseman being overhauled at Port Hope preparatory to opening of navigation. New Barges -p.2 Latest Local News - Mr. Cousineau, formerly of str. Corsican, will …
- p.2 Personal Mention - Capt. Simmons will sail the schr. Grantham next season. Court Of Assizes - Civil Docket - Jury Cases - Rees vs. R. & O. Nav. Co. - liability for milk supplied. Non-Jury List -p.2 Personal Mention - Capt. Simmons will sail the schr. Grantham next …
- p.3 Changed Her Name - Capt. Wm. Zealand, who for the past seven years has been at sea commander of the Garden Island, formerly owned by I.A. Breck, has returned to Ontario. The vessel, which has beep.3 Changed Her Name - Capt. Wm. Zealand, who for the past …
- p.3 Tom Paddon & the Union - Yesterday the members of the Sailors' Union sent a police officer to the residence of Thomas Paddon, ex-President, to seize the books of the Union. The sailors say Paddonp.3 Tom Paddon & the Union - Yesterday the members of the …
- p.1 A New Steamer. The Smith's Falls Independent says: About the first week in July the inhabitants of this town, as well as those living along the line of the Rideau Canal, will have the pleasure ofp.1 A New Steamer. The Smith's Falls Independent says: About the first …
- p.3 Another Set of Officers - The opposition wing of the Sailors' Union - that is the wing in opposition (line unreadable) - have elected officers, the chief of whom are: J. Braddon, President, and Tp.3 Another Set of Officers - The opposition wing of the Sailors' …
- p.1 LAKE MARINE MENACED. The Propeller Lines Controlled By Railroad Companies. The season's arrangements of the various steamboat companies have been completed. The Chicago & Ogdensburg line is ownedp.1 LAKE MARINE MENACED. The Propeller Lines Controlled By Railroad Companies. The …
- p.3 Proposing A Regatta Circuit - Yact Racing Association recommend that regatta at Oswego be held on July 30th, Kingston on Aug. 2nd, and Belleville on 5th.p.3 Proposing A Regatta Circuit - Yact Racing Association recommend that regatta …
- p.1 MARINE MATTERS. The following are the steamers and sailing vessels undergoing repairs and fitting out for the season's business at Picton: Strs. Empress of India and Alexandria; steambarge Bellep.1 MARINE MATTERS. The following are the steamers and sailing vessels undergoing …
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