Kingston Newspaper clippings
- p.1 MARINE ACCIDENT. An Oswego Tug Wrecked - A Peculiar Mishap Case For The Underwriters. Oswego has led off with the first marine disaster. On Wednesday afternoon last the tug M.J. Cummings, well knp.1 MARINE ACCIDENT. An Oswego Tug Wrecked - A Peculiar Mishap Case …
- p.2 MARINE MATTERS. Capt. Angus Stanton will again command the str. Geneva of Toronto. The schr. Jessie Drummond is engaged to take a load of lumber from Toronto to Oswego. The rate is $1.25. The rivp.2 MARINE MATTERS. Capt. Angus Stanton will again command the str. Geneva …
- p.2 MARINE NEWS. S.E. Gregory, of the Dominion Wrecking Company, has returned to the city. He has been in Hamilton. Captains Merritt and Donnelly will shortly leave for Prince Edward Island, where thp.2 MARINE NEWS. S.E. Gregory, of the Dominion Wrecking Company, has returned …
- p.2 MARINE NEWS. The schr. B.W. Folger will carry malt for Oswego. Capt. D.A. Kish will command the str. Scotia this season. On Saturday last the steamer Shoecraft made a trip from Clayton to T.I. Pap.2 MARINE NEWS. The schr. B.W. Folger will carry malt for Oswego. …
- p.3 Repairing The Wharves - The owners of the various city wharves are preparing for the opening of navigation. Messrs. Gunn, Swift, Folger and several others are preparing their properties. The Montp.3 Repairing The Wharves - The owners of the various city wharves …
- p.3 Here & There - The tug Cummings, which recently at Oswego, has been sucessfully raised. She was hauled up by a locomotive. The channel is open.p.3 Here & There - The tug Cummings, which recently at Oswego, …
- p.2 MARINE NEWS. The hull of the steam barge Bell Wilson has been painted green. Calvin & Sons are having withes shipped to Garden Island from Brockville. The light at Salmon Point Lighthouse was firp.2 MARINE NEWS. The hull of the steam barge Bell Wilson has …
- p.2 MARINE NEWS. The Maud makes her first trip on Thursday. The schooner Greenwood carries coal to Toronto at 25 cents free. The str. Hero will begin her trips on the Bay of Quinte on Wednesday. Allp.2 MARINE NEWS. The Maud makes her first trip on Thursday. The …
- p.1 STEAMBOAT REQUIREMENTS. The rules and regulations framed by the Board of Steamboat Inspectors in reference to boilers, life boats, and the duties and liabilities of engineers has been given to thp.1 STEAMBOAT REQUIREMENTS. The rules and regulations framed by the Board of …
- p.3 A Popular Craft - The str. Maud comes out tomorrow, looking finer than ever, and her popularity as the excursion steamer will be increased by her improvements. Capt. Hinckley, the genial commandep.3 A Popular Craft - The str. Maud comes out tomorrow, looking …
- p.3 Here & There - The John A. was in the city yesterday pretty full. We mean the scow which is on the ways of R. Davis for repairs. str. Maynard to run between Clayton and Alexandria Bay, str. Thornp.3 Here & There - The John A. was in the city …
- p.3 MARINE MATTERS. The cost of rebuilding the str. Alexandra is $30,000. A captain has sacked a cook because her breath smelt of liquor. The schr. Annie M. Foster has arrived from Oswego with 154 top.3 MARINE MATTERS. The cost of rebuilding the str. Alexandra is $30,000. …
- p.2 A Rough Night - The schr. Ariadne had a rough time on Thursday night on a trip from Whitby to Kingston, with wheat, freight 2 cents. A heavy wind set in from the south, washing the deck liberallyp.2 A Rough Night - The schr. Ariadne had a rough time …
- p.2 Late A. Summerville - the oldest steamboat engineer in Dominion; started in 1832 as second engineer on Great Britain - much detail. p.3 MARINE NEWS. The str. H.A. Calvin has been to Brockville fop.2 Late A. Summerville - the oldest steamboat engineer in Dominion; started …
- p.2 MARINE NEWS. Freights, Port Hope and Toronto, 1 1/2 cents per bushel. Ten barges, captains and crews arrived last night. The schrs. Glenora and J. Gaskin are fitting out and will likely make thep.2 MARINE NEWS. Freights, Port Hope and Toronto, 1 1/2 cents per …
- p.2 ad - For Montreal & Intermediate Ports - the enlarged and improved passenger & freight steamer Alexandria, Capt. Smith, with schedule. MARINE NEWS. The schr. Garibaldi brings wheat from Hamiltonp.2 ad - For Montreal & Intermediate Ports - the enlarged and …
- p.2 Here & There - Insurance Companies to charge 1 1/2 % for vessels after May 1st. - Chicago Tribune says lower canal tolls will see bulk of grain business go by canal. p.3 MARINE NEWS. The steam bap.2 Here & There - Insurance Companies to charge 1 1/2 % …
- p.2 Schr. Eliza Quinlan - Captain John Donnelly went up yesterday with the steamer Conqueror and scow Lorraine to the rescue of the schooner Eliza Quinlan, ashore three miles from South Bay Point. Abp.2 Schr. Eliza Quinlan - Captain John Donnelly went up yesterday with …
- p.2 MARINE NOTES. The grain insurance rates from Chicago to Kingston are 25 cents and to Montreal 40 cents. The barge Toronto is loading 21,000 bushels peas at Richardsons' for Montreal. The prop. Shp.2 MARINE NOTES. The grain insurance rates from Chicago to Kingston are …
- p.2 Heavy Grain Shipments - 5,000,000 bushels left last week by water from Chicago. MARINE ARRIVALS. Schr. Flora Emma, Whitby, 8,031 bush. peas. Stm. bge Van Allen, Port Hope, 15,000 bush. wheat. Schp.2 Heavy Grain Shipments - 5,000,000 bushels left last week by water …
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