p.3 The main Channel of the St. Lawrence is now free, from Kingston downwards, - but some ice yet remains in the harbour. - The Bay of Quinte is still blocked up. "The busy note of preparation" which
p.3 The main Channel of the St. Lawrence is now free, from …
p.3 Transport to Lachine In Returning Government Bateaux. Tenders will be received at the Commissariat Office, Kingston, until Thursday the 1st of May next at noon, from Merchants and others, concern
p.3 Transport to Lachine In Returning Government Bateaux. Tenders will be received …
p.3 Custom House Office, Kingston, 1st May, 1823. Masters of Vessels and others concerned in the trade carried on with the United States of America, are informed that the only articles which can ...
p.3 Custom House Office, Kingston, 1st May, 1823. Masters of Vessels and …
p.3 Fatal Accident - Sackett's Harbour May 2nd - In this village on Saturday last, was killed instantly by the falling of a stick of timber, which had been hoisted with tackle, to saw into ship plank
p.3 Fatal Accident - Sackett's Harbour May 2nd - In this village …
p.3 The Bay and River Steam Boat CHARLOTTE, Henry Gildersleeve, Master, Will leave Kingston for the Carrying Place every Monday morning at 8 o'clock, and return to Kingston Wednesday afternoon, stopp
p.3 The Bay and River Steam Boat CHARLOTTE, Henry Gildersleeve, Master, Will …
p.3 Sir Peregrine Maitland arrives on Frontenac on Saturday and proceeds to York by same on Wednesday. LAKE ONTARIO The Steam-Boat FRONTENAC James MacKenzie, Master. Will in future leave the ...
p.3 Sir Peregrine Maitland arrives on Frontenac on Saturday and proceeds to …
p.2 An Act to repeal the Laws now in force relative to the Preservation of Salmon, and to make further provisions respecting the Fisheries... passed on 19th March, 1823. p.3 Melancholy Accident - Amo
p.2 An Act to repeal the Laws now in force relative to …
p.3 To the Printer of the Kingston Chronicle. On the 5th inst. His Majesty's Collector of the Customs for the Port of Kingston, seized a Durham boat belonging to an honest and industrious individual
p.3 To the Printer of the Kingston Chronicle. On the 5th inst. …
p.3 (Communication) Mr. Editor, The "query" put by "Durham" in your last number, to "the worthy Collector," would have evinced much more candour, had it been "why ANY NOTICE had been given by HIM, th
p.3 (Communication) Mr. Editor, The "query" put by "Durham" in your last …