p.3 Lake Ontario STEAM BOATS The ONTARIO, William Vaughan, Master, Will leave (weather permitting,) the following ports, going down, at 3 o'clock P.M. - Lewiston and ...
p.3 Lake Ontario STEAM BOATS The ONTARIO, William Vaughan, Master, Will leave …
p.3 The 2000 settlers under the superintendence of Mr. Robinson, leave this next week in the Steam Boat Frontenac for Cobourg, on their way to their lands.
p.3 The 2000 settlers under the superintendence of Mr. Robinson, leave this …
p.3 Executive Council Office, York, 5th August, 1825. The Lease of the Ferry from Wolfe Island, in the Midland District of this Province, to Cape Vincent, on the American Shore, having lately expired
p.3 Executive Council Office, York, 5th August, 1825. The Lease of the …
p.3 Grimm's Ghost, Junior by Joshua Dryasdust - another in a series of letters about a journey through N.Y. state - (part) "...The Erie Canal passage boats are generally built about 80 feet in length
p.3 Grimm's Ghost, Junior by Joshua Dryasdust - another in a series …
p.3 Shuter & Wilkins vs John Covert - This was a special action, on the case brought by the Plaintiffs, against the Defendant, a common carrier, to recover the value of a puncheon of spirits, which h
p.3 Shuter & Wilkins vs John Covert - This was a special …
p.3 Government Sale - To be sold by Public Auction, on the 22nd of October next, at noon, at the Scow Wharf, A DURHAM BOAT, and various batteaux appurtenances, not required for the service of this ga
p.3 Government Sale - To be sold by Public Auction, on the …
p.1 Acts Passed during First Session of 9th Parliament 6th George IV: Chap. II - An Act to repeal part of, and extend the provisions of, an Act passed in the Fourth Year of His present Majesty's Reig
p.1 Acts Passed during First Session of 9th Parliament 6th George IV: …
p.1 St. Lawrence Association - annual meeting to be held on 27th at Quebec; original aim to improve rapids of St. Lawrence River; now extended to improve inland navigation. J. George, Secy. Quebec, 1
p.1 St. Lawrence Association - annual meeting to be held on 27th …