The Steam Packet Canada. - This long established and favourite Packet was hauled up on the rail-way at the Dry Dock at Niagara on Monday last, the 16th instant, for the purpose of undergoing a comple
The Steam Packet Canada. - This long established and favourite Packet was …
The Hon. John Hamilton has chartered the steamer Britannia for the season to run between Toronto and Hamilton; and is building a beautiful steam packet at Niagara Dock, to run from Queenston to Toron
The Hon. John Hamilton has chartered the steamer Britannia for the season …
On Saturday last [August 15], a splendid steam-boat was launched at Niagara, called the "Traveller" belonging to the enterprising owner of the Great Britain. She is, we believe, when finished, to run
On Saturday last [August 15], a splendid steam-boat was launched at Niagara, …
The Traveller. - This important addition to our Lake Ontario Steam Boats, is expected down from Niagara in a few days; being her first appearance on these waters. She is the property of the enterpris
The Traveller. - This important addition to our Lake Ontario Steam Boats, …
The Traveller. - This fine vessel touched at our Harbour on Tuesday last, on her first trip from Niagara to Prescott. Yesterday morning she paid us another visit on her route upwards, heavily laden w
The Traveller. - This fine vessel touched at our Harbour on Tuesday …
The Traveller. - The Oswego Palladium of the 11th inst. speaks of our winter Steamer in the following handsome terms: The Winter Steam Boat. - The beautiful new British steamer, "The Traveller", arri
The Traveller. - The Oswego Palladium of the 11th inst. speaks of …
"Queen Victoria" Steamer. - A beautiful steamboat was lately launched at Niagara, the property of Mr. Lockhart, in presence of an immense concourse of spectators. She is about the size of the Transit
"Queen Victoria" Steamer. - A beautiful steamboat was lately launched at Niagara, …
The new steam boat Ontario, Captain Hilliard, (formerly of the William 4th) arrived here yesterday, in tow of the Kingston. She is indeed a beautiful vessel, and promises to be very fast, - if the en
The new steam boat Ontario, Captain Hilliard, (formerly of the William 4th) …
Ship Carpenters Wanted. By the Niagara Dry Dock Company, who will find constant employment during the ensuing winter, and the highest rate of wages given. Niagara, 12th Sept., 1839.
Ship Carpenters Wanted. By the Niagara Dry Dock Company, who will find …
Important Experiments - That excellent officer, Commodore Sandom, R.N., is now trying a very important experiment with a view of introducing the use of coal as fuel on board the government steamers o
Important Experiments - That excellent officer, Commodore Sandom, R.N., is now trying …