The tug, Tipperary, 98 gross tons, 51 net; 85.8 by 17.5 by 11; formerly the Norge Drifter Falken, 1895, Kristiansand, Norway. The Tipperary was used at Bay City, Mich. in April of 1933 to aid in the
The tug, Tipperary, 98 gross tons, 51 net; 85.8 by 17.5 by …
The City of Toledo was purchased by Capt. Samuel Neff & Sons in 1892 and sold in 1897; engaged in general freighting; towed by other Neff vessels. It was 160 feet long, 25 wide and 8.5 deep; built To
The City of Toledo was purchased by Capt. Samuel Neff & Sons …
The City of Toledo was purchased by Capt. Samuel Neff & Sons in 1892 and sold in 1897; engaged in general freighting; towed by other Neff vessels. It was 160 feet long, 25 wide and 8.5 deep; built To
The City of Toledo was purchased by Capt. Samuel Neff & Sons …
Trader, a 2-masted schooner, built in the early 1850s for Neff & Co. (Abel Neff & Alonzo Leach); moulded-built schooner, fully rigged with topmasts; white oak construction. Purchased 1861 by Sam & W.
Trader, a 2-masted schooner, built in the early 1850s for Neff & …
The iron barge, Transport; 254 x 45; built 1880. It foundered 21 Sept. 1942, Lake Superior, off Eagle Harbor, Mich. Loaded with pulpwood from Grand Marais, Minn. to Port Huron; with the barge City of
The iron barge, Transport; 254 x 45; built 1880. It foundered 21 …
Steel ships, Usona & Tampico, drawn at Detroit, 1935. Notes from Charles S.Neff jr. Feb. 5, 1969 - "The Usona was a lumber boat like the Neff; might check old names, Jesse Spalding, or Chas. Beatty..
Steel ships, Usona & Tampico, drawn at Detroit, 1935. Notes from Charles …
The schooner Veto hailed from Egg Harbor, Wis. It was used on freighting runs in and around the Green Bay area in the 1880s and the 1890s; built 1879. Passed out of registry 1894. Listed Beers Histor
The schooner Veto hailed from Egg Harbor, Wis. It was used on …
The passenger & freight side-wheeler, Welcome was built at Ft. Howard, Wis. in 1878 for the Hart line of Green Bay; 74 net tons; ran in and around Green Bay area; to Escanaba, Mich. etc. Listed Inlan
The passenger & freight side-wheeler, Welcome was built at Ft. Howard, Wis. …
The Welcome, widely known in and around Milwaukee, was a familiar sight steaming in and out of the harbor for a tow, or warping a tow into a river berth or whistling for the city bridges, sliding smo
The Welcome, widely known in and around Milwaukee, was a familiar sight …
The iron steamer, Westover, was built in 1873, Wilmington, Del. Came to the lakes in 1887; changed to a single decker, 34x34 LP engine; changed to steeple with a new boiler. Port of hail in 1893 was
The iron steamer, Westover, was built in 1873, Wilmington, Del. Came to …