Our Inland Marine . The Advocate is in receipt of a lengthy communication from Capt. A. G. Brown of Milwaukee who was master as well as owner of the scow L. May Gutherie, which stranded on Fisherman'
Our Inland Marine . The Advocate is in receipt of a lengthy …
Our Inland Marine . Two Strandings. It was reported here Thursday evening that the fore-and-aft schooner Guthrie went ashore on Fisherman's Shoal, on the east side of Rock Island. She stranded Tuesda
Our Inland Marine . Two Strandings. It was reported here Thursday evening …
Washington Island . To the Editor of the Democrat: Detroit Harbor, Sept. 29th--The scow Gurthrie (sic) of Milwaukee, ran on Fishermans Shoal during the night of the 26th. She is loaded with bark, whi
Washington Island . To the Editor of the Democrat: Detroit Harbor, Sept. …