Kingston Newspaper clippings
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The North King ran down the river to Alexandria Bay yesterday, for the first time this season. The steamer Passport called at Swift's yesterday on her way from Montreal to Top.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The North King ran down the river to Alexandria …
- p.2 JUBILEE IN KINGSTON. The Yacht Races. At the Kingston yacht club house great disappointment was felt on account of the roughness of the water, which precluded the possibility of holding any of thp.2 JUBILEE IN KINGSTON. The Yacht Races. At the Kingston yacht club …
- p.1 ROCHESTER, OSWEGO, KINGSTON AND ALEXANDRIA BAY. THE NEW FAST STEEL STEAMER ARUNDELL will leave Kingston for Oswego and Rochester every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 9:40 a.m., connecting at Op.1 ROCHESTER, OSWEGO, KINGSTON AND ALEXANDRIA BAY. THE NEW FAST STEEL STEAMER …
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schooner Jamieson, light, cleared last night for Cobourg. The tug Bronson, with ten light barges, arrived from Montreal yesterday. The schooner Bavaria, Garden Island top.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schooner Jamieson, light, cleared last night for Cobourg. …
- p.2 THE PIERREPONT ALL RIGHT. The Canadian Requirements Are Amply Sufficient. Last week the collector of customs at Cape Vincent, N.Y., issued an order forbidding the steamer Pierrepont, when havingp.2 THE PIERREPONT ALL RIGHT. The Canadian Requirements Are Amply Sufficient. Last …
- p.2 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The tug Bronson with four grain laden barges cleared for Montreal this morning. The tug Thomson with three light barges arrived here from Montreal yesterday. The schooner Nellip.2 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The tug Bronson with four grain laden barges …
- p.1 The Dates Changed - The lake yacht racing association has been obliged to alter its dates for the summer circuit owing to the Rochester, N.Y., club dropping out. The dates now named and approvedp.1 The Dates Changed - The lake yacht racing association has been …
- p.1 Capts. Melthor and Chestnut, Oswego, United States steamboat inspectors, are in the city for the purpose of inspecting the steamers Princess Louise and Pierrepont. Both steamers will be permittedp.1 Capts. Melthor and Chestnut, Oswego, United States steamboat inspectors, are in …
- not published ? July 2, 1897 p.2 MARINE OCCURENCES. A fleet of timber-laden craft is discharging at Collins Bay. The tug Walker, five light barges, Montreal, arrived last evening. The tug Walker withnot published ? July 2, 1897 p.2 MARINE OCCURENCES. A fleet of …
- p.2 Incidents of the Day - On Thursday night the fifth timber raft consigned this season to Quebec by the Collins Bay rafting company cleared for the ancient capital. The sixth will follow on Tuesdayp.2 Incidents of the Day - On Thursday night the fifth timber …
- p.1 The tug Reginald arrived with two barges laden with 2,500 bags of salt for James Redden and A. McLean, to the K. & M. Forwarding Co.'s wharf this morning. Three barges, light, were detached fromp.1 The tug Reginald arrived with two barges laden with 2,500 bags …
- p.1 Is Not Involved - Ogdensburg elevator is not in financial difficulty; not connected with Vermont railway company. p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schooner S.H. Dunn, Toledo, was expected to arrive ap.1 Is Not Involved - Ogdensburg elevator is not in financial difficulty; …
- p.2 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The barge Albani is loading lumber at Rathbun & Co.'s wharf for Edwardsburg. The schooner Nellie Hunter cleared today for Oswego to load coal for this port. The Columbian clearp.2 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The barge Albani is loading lumber at Rathbun …
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schooner Kate, Oswego, is discharging 200 tons of coal for J. Sowards. The tug Walker with four light barges from Montreal, arrived in port last evening. The schooner Merp.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schooner Kate, Oswego, is discharging 200 tons of …
- p.2 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The tug Walker with four grain laden barges cleared this morning for Montreal. The schooner Burton is discharging 325 tons of coal at the foot of Queen street for Crawford & Cop.2 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The tug Walker with four grain laden barges …
- p.1 The Prize List - Kingston yacht club makes arrangements for the coming yacht races. p.2 COMPANY NOT LOSING TIME. J.H. Tromanhauser, of the firm of Barnett & Record, architects and contractors, Mip.1 The Prize List - Kingston yacht club makes arrangements for the …
- p.2 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The tug Walker, with three light barges, arrived today from Montreal. The tug Hall with four barges, light, arrived at the M.T. Co.'s wharf yesterday. The schooner Burton clearp.2 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The tug Walker, with three light barges, arrived …
- p.2 NO, NOTHING OF IT. [Ogdensburg Journal] "Yesterday afternoon the Empire State arrived in port with an excursion from Kingston, with the entire crew of the steamer on a strike. They had refused top.2 NO, NOTHING OF IT. [Ogdensburg Journal] "Yesterday afternoon the Empire State …
- p.2 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The schooner Ballou, Napanee, is at Richardson & Sons' elevator with 4,500 bushels of peas. The schooner Nellie Hunter arrived yesterday from Oswego with 300 tons of coal for Cp.2 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The schooner Ballou, Napanee, is at Richardson & …
- p.2 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The barge Dunmore is discharging 1,300 tons of coal at the M.T. Co.'s long wharf. The schooner Acacia cleared, light, from Swift's last night to load coal at Charlotte. The tugp.2 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The barge Dunmore is discharging 1,300 tons of …
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