Kingston Newspaper clippings
- p.2 Personal Mention - Thos. Paddon, President of Sailors' Union, has paid Mrs. Newell $60, subscribed by the sailors. ad - For Sale - steam yacht Nautilus, property of Governor General; 55 ' long, ap.2 Personal Mention - Thos. Paddon, President of Sailors' Union, has paid …
- p.2 Newsy Items - Rathbuns own six vessels: Quinte, Puritan, Deseronto, Armenia, Pilgrim and Reliance; also building another for Oswego trade. ad - Picton and Belleville - Royal Mail Daily Line - strp.2 Newsy Items - Rathbuns own six vessels: Quinte, Puritan, Deseronto, Armenia, …
- p.2 MARINE NOTES. The schr. Eliza White has cleared for Oswego with ties and posts. The schr. Garibaldi is loading posts for Oswego. The sloops Pilot and Gazelle, posts for Deseronto. The yacht Atalap.2 MARINE NOTES. The schr. Eliza White has cleared for Oswego with …
- p.2 MARINE NEWS. The tug H.A. Calvin cleared for Montreal with six barges, having 100,000 bush. wheat and 100 tons phosphate. The schrs. G.M. Neelon and S. Neelon, steambarges Ark and Albion have arrp.2 MARINE NEWS. The tug H.A. Calvin cleared for Montreal with six …
- p.2 Another Detroit Excursion - on str. Bohemian.p.2 Another Detroit Excursion - on str. Bohemian.
- p.2 The Spartan's Injuries - The damage received by the steamer Spartan, while ashore on Lake Superior, proves to be much more serious than at first supposed. When her wooden sheathing had been removp.2 The Spartan's Injuries - The damage received by the steamer Spartan, …
- p.2 ad - Tourist Steamer Hero - going to Ogdensburg next Wednesday for Hanlon - Ross Race; tickets $1.00. p.3 MARINE NOTES. The schr. O'Gorman is loading posts for Oswego. The schr. Eliza White has cp.2 ad - Tourist Steamer Hero - going to Ogdensburg next Wednesday …
- p.3 A FINE PROPELLER. On Saturday evening, about six o'clock, the prop. Walter L. Frost entered port. She was noticed to be of unusually large proportions, and on closer examination was found to be ap.3 A FINE PROPELLER. On Saturday evening, about six o'clock, the prop. …
- p.2 Dominion Canals - A Tarriff of Tolls Levied On Vessels & Cargoes - in force since June 15th. A Great Sufferer - yacht George Frederick pounded against G.T. wharf. p.3 A Visiting Yacht - Condor, 2p.2 Dominion Canals - A Tarriff of Tolls Levied On Vessels & …
- p.3 MARINE NEWS. The prop. Armenia, from Chicago, lightened 6,500 bush. corn at the Montreal Transportation Company. The schr. Blazing Star, from Detroit, 15,000 bush. corn, is the only arrival for tp.3 MARINE NEWS. The prop. Armenia, from Chicago, lightened 6,500 bush. corn …
- p.2 Steamer Hero's Trip - to Ogdensburg for rowing race. A Disabled Steam Yacht - Caroline on way to Ogdensburg. p.3 Marine News. The schr. J.R. Noyes, from Chicago with 20,582 bush. corn, is at thep.2 Steamer Hero's Trip - to Ogdensburg for rowing race. A Disabled …
- p.3 MARINE NEWS. The Glide and tow have arrived with 1,200 tons of coal from Oswego. The schr. Nevada, from Chicago, with 20,300 bushels of corn, is in port. The schr. Prince Alfred has gone into ordp.3 MARINE NEWS. The Glide and tow have arrived with 1,200 tons …
- p.2 The schr. Penokee has arrived from Chicago with 22,300 bush. wheat. She and the schr. Nevada subsequently left for Oswego to load coal. There was a change of masters on Nevada. Captain Pritchardp.2 The schr. Penokee has arrived from Chicago with 22,300 bush. wheat. …
- p.2 Arrival Of A Yacht - Victoria, a standing keel, measures about 10 tons; carries about 6 to 7 tons of ballast; dimensions are keel 32 feet, 39 feet overall, and beam 9' 9"; draws about 5 feet of wp.2 Arrival Of A Yacht - Victoria, a standing keel, measures about …
- p.2 The McArthur Fine - The fine of $142, imposed by the Collector of Customs at Oswego on the tug McArthur of the Collinsby Rafting Company, for picking up the tug Cummings and two canal boats and tp.2 The McArthur Fine - The fine of $142, imposed by the …
- p.2 MARINE NEWS. The steam barge Indian and tow are being secured at Eilbeck's wharf. The tug F.D. Wheeler has arrived with two barges, coal laden, for Atironta ?. The tug Frank Perew leaves this evep.2 MARINE NEWS. The steam barge Indian and tow are being secured …
- p.1 Rumors Of A Steamboat War - [Montreal Star] p.2 Yacht Condor - list of crew. Sabbath Desecration - tug Active and consort to pass through Welland Canal on Sunday. p.3 MARINE NEWS. The rate on whep.1 Rumors Of A Steamboat War - [Montreal Star] p.2 Yacht Condor …
- p.2 Newsy Items - str. Hero, yacht Condor, yacht Emily, The steambarge Norman was in Oswego yesterday and cleared light for the Bay of Quinte. After the barge had departed a telegram was received forp.2 Newsy Items - str. Hero, yacht Condor, yacht Emily, The steambarge …
- p.2 Improve The Meals - R. & O. Navigation Co. asked to look at meals on str. Hero as a good example. [Belleville Ontario] p.3 MARINE NEWS. The schr. Watertown has arrived from Sandusky with 610 tonsp.2 Improve The Meals - R. & O. Navigation Co. asked to …
- p.2 THE BIGGEST BOAT YET. Arrival Of The Steam Barge Davidson. Yesterday morning the steam barge James Davidson arrived at the Kingston and Montreal Forwarding Company's wharf from Milwaukee, havingp.2 THE BIGGEST BOAT YET. Arrival Of The Steam Barge Davidson. Yesterday …
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