Kingston Newspaper clippings
- p.3 Here & There - 18 years ago the schr. Fleetwing capsized off Cobourg, drowning Captain's wife and child; this is her first appearance since catastrophe, had cargo of lumber from Toledo for Car Wop.3 Here & There - 18 years ago the schr. Fleetwing capsized …
- p.3 Off This Evening - yacht Laura to Belleville; list of crew. Here and There - old yacht Laura, now of Oswego. MARINE NEWS. The schr. Eureka is in light from Oswego. The schr. Hyderabad is at Brockp.3 Off This Evening - yacht Laura to Belleville; list of crew. …
- p.2 A Disabled Steamer - A Western paper, speaking of the recent accident to the Spartan, says she is in a terrible condition, and the owners would probably be better off if she had been left for a wp.2 A Disabled Steamer - A Western paper, speaking of the recent …
- p.2 MARINE NEWS. The barge London brought up from Montreal 55 tons of pipes, for the Water Works Company. The tug Glide has cleared for Montreal with six barges, 120,000 bushels of grain and 100 tonsp.2 MARINE NEWS. The barge London brought up from Montreal 55 tons …
- p.2 HOW THEY WERE RESCUED. Capt. Bailey, of the Edith Sewell, says the loss of the tug off Bell's Point was caused by the shifting of a fish-box, on rollers and weighing nearly two tons. After the bop.2 HOW THEY WERE RESCUED. Capt. Bailey, of the Edith Sewell, says …
- p.1 The Jaws of Death - How The Sewell Went Down - p.2 Belleville Regatta - A Steam Boater Drowned - deck hand from Alexandria drowns off Picton wharf. p.3 MARINE NEWS. The schrs. Mede and Knapp havep.1 The Jaws of Death - How The Sewell Went Down - …
- p.2 An Unfortunate Craft - The steam-barge Anna Smith and her consort, the James C. King, arrived at Oswego on Sunday and narrowly escaped destruction. It was the first time the Captain of the bargep.2 An Unfortunate Craft - The steam-barge Anna Smith and her consort, …
- p.3 Here & There - sale of schr. Pride of America postponed until 13th. MARINE NEWS. The Sea Bird is on the Portsmouth Marine Railway for repairs. The schr. O'Gorman brought a small cargo of coal frop.3 Here & There - sale of schr. Pride of America postponed …
- p.3 MARINE NEWS. The barge Eagle was launched yesterday, and is now loading grain for Montreal. The Glide and tow with four barges, having 71,000 bush. of grain, has left for Montreal. The schr. Granp.3 MARINE NEWS. The barge Eagle was launched yesterday, and is now …
- p.3 PORT DALHOUSIE DOINGS. The Muir Bros.' workmanship and timber are in good demand. The owners of the prop. Alma Munro have decided to lengthen her this winter. They have already engaged the dock.p.3 PORT DALHOUSIE DOINGS. The Muir Bros.' workmanship and timber are in …
- p.3 Here & There - The schr. Eureka, with 200 tons of coal, is in port from Sodus Point. The tug Hall has cleared for Montreal with six barges having 60,000 of corn. The prop. Canada arrived today anp.3 Here & There - The schr. Eureka, with 200 tons of …
- p.1 Among The Islands - trip on str. Hero. p.3 MARINE NEWS. The schr. Eureka is in port with coal for the Gas Works from Oswego. Capt. J. Sughrue has resigned the position of pilot of the steamer Rotp.1 Among The Islands - trip on str. Hero. p.3 MARINE NEWS. …
- p.1 Deseronto Doings - The new steam barge Resolute was launched last Saturday morning and is now receiving her new boiler. p.3 The American Canoe Association - meeting at Stoney Lake, north of Peterp.1 Deseronto Doings - The new steam barge Resolute was launched last …
- p.3 MARINE NEWS. The Paragon, with coal from Cleveland, ran aground at Camp meeting Cove, Bay of Quinte, and will be lightened before she can be got off. The restriction issued by the Superintendentp.3 MARINE NEWS. The Paragon, with coal from Cleveland, ran aground at …
- p.3 Destroying The Nets - attack on fish pirate's property in St. Lawrence. A Yacht's Cruise - on Minnie. MARINE NEWS. The tug Jessie Hall has cleared for Oswego to secure 2,500 tons of coal. The schp.3 Destroying The Nets - attack on fish pirate's property in St. …
- p.3 Here & There - str. Armstrong brought excursionists from Clayton today. dredge at work at Narrows at head of Weller's Bay; will go to Picton next. steam yacht Annie Gilbert, built by Capt. Cuthbep.3 Here & There - str. Armstrong brought excursionists from Clayton today. …
- p.3 MARINE NEWS. The tug Admiral D.D. Porter and four barges with timber have arrived at Collinsby. Another silver watch has been found off Salmon Point by the lighthouse keeper, Mr. L. Hudgin, suppop.3 MARINE NEWS. The tug Admiral D.D. Porter and four barges with …
- p.2 Newsy Items - Capt. D. Noonan to make two trips a week from Kingston to Portland on str. Robert Anglin. The Clayton Regatta - [Palladium] p.3 MARINE NEWS. Freights have dropped in Chicago. The rap.2 Newsy Items - Capt. D. Noonan to make two trips a …
- p.2 MARINE NEWS. The tug Active and schooners Glenora and Gaskin cleared this afternoon for Toledo. The tug Perew cleared this afternoon for Montreal, with six barges having 113,000 bush. of grain. Tp.2 MARINE NEWS. The tug Active and schooners Glenora and Gaskin cleared …
- p.3 MARINE NEWS. The tug Perew brought three light barges from Belleville today. The schr. Gulnair is now carrying coal across the lake. Until recently she was engaged in the timber trade. Two cribsp.3 MARINE NEWS. The tug Perew brought three light barges from Belleville …
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