(from originals at Toronto Central Reference Library) p.2 The Steamer Emerald - The fine new steamer Emerald yesterday made her trial trip from Chippewa to Buffalo, and back, with a most satisfactory
(from originals at Toronto Central Reference Library) p.2 The Steamer Emerald - …
(from microfilm available at Queen's University - Stauffer Library, and Kingston Frontenac Public Library) p.2 Works suspended on Lachine Canal because of election in Montreal. p.3 Welland Canal - Th
(from microfilm available at Queen's University - Stauffer Library, and Kingston Frontenac …
p.2 The steamer Sovereign, on her way down the river for wood on Tuesday, struck on a shoal, by which she was so much damaged as to render it necessary to haul her out on the railway for repair. The
p.2 The steamer Sovereign, on her way down the river for wood …
p.2 The little steamer Pioneer braved the rapids on the north side of the Long Sault, (commonly called the "Lost Channel") last week, with the greatest ease imaginable. - This is the first steamer th
p.2 The little steamer Pioneer braved the rapids on the north side …
p.2 Lachine Canal - breached. [Times] p.3 LAKE ONTARIO The Steamer FRONTENAC, Capt. Ives, Will, for the remainder of the season, ply between this Port and Toronto, ...
p.2 Lachine Canal - breached. [Times] p.3 LAKE ONTARIO The Steamer FRONTENAC, …
p.1 We regret to learn that a Schooner belonging to Messrs. McPherson & Crane, the Shamrock, Capt. Taylor, was on Saturday last, struck by a squall and capsized off Morgans Point, about five miles fr
p.1 We regret to learn that a Schooner belonging to Messrs. McPherson …
p.2 Quick Travelling - Seeing the Hon. John Hamilton passing down by the Canada Royal Mail Steamer on the afternoon of Wednesday last; and being ourselves a passenger from Brockville to Kingston on b
p.2 Quick Travelling - Seeing the Hon. John Hamilton passing down by …
p.3 For Montreal Direct. The New Low Pressure Steam Boat BRITANNIA, Capt. Maxwell, Will leave the Custom House Wharf, Kingston, every Monday at 12 o'clock, noon, descending all the Rapids ...
p.3 For Montreal Direct. The New Low Pressure Steam Boat BRITANNIA, Capt. …
p.2 An inquest was on Monday held at St. Catharines by Mr. St. John, on the body of Augustus A. Pickering, master and owner of a schooner bound from Sackett's Harbour to the upper lake. The deceased,
p.2 An inquest was on Monday held at St. Catharines by Mr. …
p.2 Welland Canal - aqueduct gave way but was quickly repaired. [Niagara Chronicle] Sudden Death - A sailor named Calvin Jones was found dead in his bed on Sunday morning, on board the Schooner Princ
p.2 Welland Canal - aqueduct gave way but was quickly repaired. [Niagara …