p.2 On Monday last a case was tried which deserves particular notice, as affecting the interests of the mercantile part of the community. This action was brought by Joseph Bruce, Merchant of Kingston
p.2 On Monday last a case was tried which deserves particular notice, …
p.3 We the undersigned hereby give public notice, that we will not be accountable or liable as FORWARDERS or COMMON CARRIERS, on the River St. Lawrence, for the hazard and danger of the navigation he
p.3 We the undersigned hereby give public notice, that we will not …
p.2 a visit to Kingston Mills - ..."We found three locks in rapid progress, exhibiting the most substantial pieces of architecture we have ever witnessed and a science in their construction highly cr
p.2 a visit to Kingston Mills - ..."We found three locks in …
p.2 man drowned at Bath - ...While stepping from the Sir James Kempt steamboat, to the wharf, he fell into the water and unfortunately perished...Important to Forwarders - The following opinion, by t
p.2 man drowned at Bath - ...While stepping from the Sir James …
p.2 Accident - Yesterday morning as the Sir James Kempt Steam-Boat was moving from Mr. Whiting's Wharf to Mr. McMillan's, at Prescott, William MacNiell, one of the hands, who happened to be in the wh
p.2 Accident - Yesterday morning as the Sir James Kempt Steam-Boat was …
p.2 For the Kingston Chronicle. Sir: - The accidents which frequently occur at the gangways of Steamboats, appear to me to call loudly for some legislative regulations on the subject, more especially
p.2 For the Kingston Chronicle. Sir: - The accidents which frequently occur …
p.2 For the Kingston Chronicle. Mr. Editor - A sensible article appeared in your last number signed Publius suggesting the propriety of Parliamentary interference, on the subject of compelling steam-
p.2 For the Kingston Chronicle. Mr. Editor - A sensible article appeared …
p.2 Commodore Barrie leaves for England, to be replaced by Hon. Capt. Byng during his absence. We learn from good authority that it is fully expected the Rideau Canal will be so far finished in the c
p.2 Commodore Barrie leaves for England, to be replaced by Hon. Capt. …
1830 KINGSTON CHRONICLE (available on microfilm at Kingston Frontenac Public Library and Queen's University - Stauffer Library, unless otherwise noted) p.2 The Proprietors of the Steamer Sir James Ke
1830 KINGSTON CHRONICLE (available on microfilm at Kingston Frontenac Public Library and …
p.2 at a meeting of the Merchants of Kingston held at the Court House: #2 - resolved, that the free navigation of the River Saint Lawrence cannot, in the opinion of this meeting, be granted to the ci
p.2 at a meeting of the Merchants of Kingston held at the …