Northern Transportation Company's
Ogdensburgh to the West
The Northern Transportation Company
Having a Line of
First Class Upper Cabin Screw Steamers
Leaving Ogdensburgh Four Times per Week, weather permitting,
For all points on the Upper Lakes; will transport Passengers and Freight to the West, (the dangers of fire and accidents of navigation excepted,) at the following low rates, until August 1st.
Insurance procured in Responsible Companies, Whenever Notified
Apply to C. L. Thompson, Treasurer, at the Office of the Company,
Or to Geo. Parker, Agent, Rail Road Depot Ogdensubrgh, N.Y.
Geo. W. Smith, General Passenger Agent.
Western Agents.
Honey & Crawford, Oswego N.Y.
Chamberlin, Crawford & Co., Cleveland Ohio
Wm. T. Walker, Toledo, Ohio.
E. R. Mathews, Detroit, Mich.
J. H. Crawford, Milwaukee, Wis.
Mather & Co., Chicago, Ill.
James & Hopkins, Printers, (Office of St. Lawrence Republican and Daily Journal, Ogdensburgh, N.Y.