Kingston Newspaper clippings
- p.1 The Steamer Highlander - This splendid Boat is at present in the St. Lawrence Canal, at the East end of this Town, where she had taken up her Winter quarters at the closing of the navigation. Thep.1 The Steamer Highlander - This splendid Boat is at present in …
- p.4 ad for M.T. Hunter, Ship Chandler, NO. 1 Hardy's Buildings, Ontario St.p.4 ad for M.T. Hunter, Ship Chandler, NO. 1 Hardy's Buildings, Ontario …
- p.3 Our harbor is free of ice down to the Commercial wharf. The steamer Henry Gildersleeve went out yesterday, making a short excursion down the River. The Gildersleeve starts for Dickenson's Landingp.3 Our harbor is free of ice down to the Commercial wharf. …
- p.2 Canada Trade - Montreal as a shipping port. [Herald] p.3 The business of navigation has fairly commenced. On Saturday morning the Steamer Gildersleeve proceeded down the River to Dickenson's Landp.2 Canada Trade - Montreal as a shipping port. [Herald] p.3 The …
- p.2 Navigation Laws - Two steamers it seems are building on British territory for the purpose of trading between Lewiston and Montreal, calling at Kingston, on the British side of the river, and at Op.2 Navigation Laws - Two steamers it seems are building on British …
- p.2 The R.M. steamer Sovereign and the Chief Justice Robinson will be here in the morning from Hamilton and Toronto. The latter is placed in opposition, and the fares have been reduced by the mail lip.2 The R.M. steamer Sovereign and the Chief Justice Robinson will be …
- p.3 Lachine Canal - Official notice has been given by the Board of Works, that this canal will be opened on the 1st of May, instead of the 15th, as formerly advertised. The Royal Mail Steamers. Willp.3 Lachine Canal - Official notice has been given by the Board …
- p.1 Welland Canal - The St . Catharines Journal of the 2nd instant, states that the canal is now ready for the letting in of the water, which will be done as soon as Lake Erie is clear enough of icep.1 Welland Canal - The St . Catharines Journal of the 2nd …
- p.2 The announcement of a "probable change of Ministry.." - discusses shipping, freight rates through canals, removing remission of duty of American wheat, etc. (2 columns) p.3 The Assizes - The Assip.2 The announcement of a "probable change of Ministry.." - discusses shipping, …
- p.3 The navigation of the Rideau Canal is open, and boats from below are daily arriving in port. KINGSTON, TORONTO, HAMILTON and NIAGARA. The Royal Mail Steamers Will leave Kingston for Cobourg, Portp.3 The navigation of the Rideau Canal is open, and boats from …
- p.3 Erie Canal - two breaches have occurred.p.3 Erie Canal - two breaches have occurred.
- p.2 The reported debate in the Imperial Parliament, which in Thursday's issue was laid before our readers, does not exhibit on the part of Legislators in the mother country a vast acquaintance with Cp.2 The reported debate in the Imperial Parliament, which in Thursday's issue …
- p.2 Lake Erie - The new boat building by the Niagara Dock Company at Chippewa, is in such a state of forwardness that she will be ready for launching by the first week in June. She will be one of thep.2 Lake Erie - The new boat building by the Niagara Dock …
- p.2 The River Mail Steamers have commenced their trips to Lachine, within 9 miles of Montreal, and the fares have been reduced. The steamers descend all the rapids to Lachine, and return by the Beauhp.2 The River Mail Steamers have commenced their trips to Lachine, within …
- p.3 The Steamers Kent and London - At the Western District Assizes which opened on the 4th inst. before Mr. Justice Macaulay, the case of the loss of the Kent came before the court in an action brougp.3 The Steamers Kent and London - At the Western District Assizes …
- p.3 For Sale - A Fast Sailing Row-Boat, 22 feet in length, clinker-built, nearly new. Apply at this Office. May 10th, 1846. Steamboat Opposition - On Friday evening a regular fight took place betweenp.3 For Sale - A Fast Sailing Row-Boat, 22 feet in length, …
- p.2 Launch - Yesterday at 4 o'clock, the brig Lilla, built at Portsmouth, for Messrs. Hunter & Pearson, was launched in the presence of a large number of spectators. The Lilla is strongly built of thp.2 Launch - Yesterday at 4 o'clock, the brig Lilla, built at …
- p.3 The Ogdensburgh Republican of the 19th inst. says that the new steamboat which is finishing at Prescott, and intended to run between Ogdensburgh and Montreal, is expected to be completed by the 1p.3 The Ogdensburgh Republican of the 19th inst. says that the new …
- p.2 Steam Ferry - We are informed that a regular communication is now formed between this place and Cape Vincent, the steam ferry boat of the Messrs. Ives being met at the Island by a stage, which wip.2 Steam Ferry - We are informed that a regular communication is …
- p.2 Bay of Quinte - A change has taken place in the arrival and departure of the steamers employed on the Bay, which we have no doubt will prove highly satisfactory to the people of Victoria and Hastp.2 Bay of Quinte - A change has taken place in the …
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