M. M. Sullivan of Toledo is building a dredge that will be one of the largest in the United States. It will be 110 feet in length, 38 feet beam and 12 feet deep. The machinery will have a capacity of
M. M. Sullivan of Toledo is building a dredge that will be …
J. W. Westcott of Detroit announces that in accordance with arrangements made by the Lake Carriers' Association with Duff & Gatfield of Amherstburg, changes in draught of water in the vicinity of the
J. W. Westcott of Detroit announces that in accordance with arrangements made …
C. F. Bielman of Detroit has finally secured from the postoffice (sic) department a four-year contract for the services of his little steamer Florence B in the delivery of mail on the Detroit river.
C. F. Bielman of Detroit has finally secured from the postoffice (sic) …
"The Little Red Book.". By accident the above name was given to a vest-pocket directory of owners and officers of lake vessels. For several years past the Marine Review Publishing Co. has collected a
"The Little Red Book.". By accident the above name was given to …
Around the Great Lakes. Considerable praise has been bestowed upon the management of the Singer tug line at Duluth for the service which the tugs Superior and Excelsior performed in rescuing the stea
Around the Great Lakes. Considerable praise has been bestowed upon the management …
Around the Great Lakes. Capt. M. C. Clark, Thomas Isabell and William Binks of Sturgeon Bay, Wis., have purchased for $500 the burned and sunken steamer Otego now lying in the river at Green Bay. Aft
Around the Great Lakes. Capt. M. C. Clark, Thomas Isabell and William …
Around the Great Lakes. The burned hull of the steamer Joys at Sturgeon Bay, Wis., will not be rebuilt, the keelson, frames and planking having been burned so badly in places that a rebuild would not
Around the Great Lakes. The burned hull of the steamer Joys at …
Around the Great Lakes. Clearance was made a few days ago from South Lake Linden by the steamer Nicol with the first cargo of ingot copper shipped since the opening of navigation. It is stated that t
Around the Great Lakes. Clearance was made a few days ago from …
Around the Great Lakes. Incorporation of the McReynolds Elevator Co. of Chicago, with a capital stock of $300,000 is taken as a confirmation of the rumor that the recent purchase by McReynolds of the
Around the Great Lakes. Incorporation of the McReynolds Elevator Co. of Chicago, …
On Friday last Capt. Alex. McDougall formally turned over to the American Ship Building Co. (consolidated lake ship yards) the affairs of the American Steel Barge Co. at West Superior. From now on he
On Friday last Capt. Alex. McDougall formally turned over to the American …