Kingston Newspaper clippings
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Repairs are being made to the sloop Minnie. The steamer Columbian left here this morning for Montreal. The steamboat inspectors are at Peterboro inspecting boats. The M.T. cop.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Repairs are being made to the sloop Minnie. The …
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schooner Fabiola cleared for Oswego this morning. The schooner Maggie L. cleared for bay ports yesterday to load grain. The sloop Laura D., light, cleared for Bay of Quinp.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schooner Fabiola cleared for Oswego this morning. The …
- p.2 THE YACHTS ARE ARRIVING. Everything In Readiness For The L.Y.R.A. Rendezvous. With favorable weather the coming yacht races will prove the most interesting water event ever viewed in Kingston harp.2 THE YACHTS ARE ARRIVING. Everything In Readiness For The L.Y.R.A. Rendezvous. …
- p.2 RACES BEGIN TOMORROW. The Yacht Club House A Scene Of Activity. Everything augers well of the regatta races, which open tomorrow morning at 10:30 o'clock on Kingston harbor, the choice of all harp.2 RACES BEGIN TOMORROW. The Yacht Club House A Scene Of Activity. …
- p.1 Bought The Steamer Ottawa - Pembroke, July 22nd - Yesterday the Pembroke navigation company purchased the steamer Ottawa from J.A. Thibodeau, and thus secured a monopoly of the Upper Ottawa riverp.1 Bought The Steamer Ottawa - Pembroke, July 22nd - Yesterday the …
- p.2 THE NORMA FINISHES FIRST. The Kingston Yacht Takes The First Place. The second round of the course by the thirty-two foot yachts occupied the attention of the spectators yesterday when the otherp.2 THE NORMA FINISHES FIRST. The Kingston Yacht Takes The First Place. …
- p.1 WAS A PIPING BREEZE. The Yacht Races Were Resumed Today. MERRYTHOUGHT VS. CANADA. They Have Another Go For First Place. Another heavy southwest wind greeted the yachtsmen this morning ...p.1 WAS A PIPING BREEZE. The Yacht Races Were Resumed Today. MERRYTHOUGHT …
- p.1 THE BREEZE WAS SLOW. Last Day of Yacht Races. The final day's racing was started under a light easterly breeze, and the start was rather slow. The indications of the weather were for a fresher wip.1 THE BREEZE WAS SLOW. Last Day of Yacht Races. The final …
- p.2 YACHT RACES FINISHED. It did not altogether require the phlegmatic sailor to run the yacht race in quietness yesterday for the wind was scarcely strong enough to blow the creases out of the sailsp.2 YACHT RACES FINISHED. It did not altogether require the phlegmatic sailor …
- p.1 Had An Adventure - Port Arthur, July 27th - The Canadian steamer Chamberlain, lumber-laden from Penetang to Port Arthur, went ashore on Sunday on Battle Island, Lake Superior. After jettisoning mp.1 Had An Adventure - Port Arthur, July 27th - The Canadian …
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schooner Mary left for Big Sodus yesterday to load coal for Napanee. The schooner Annie Falconer arrived from Oswego yesterday with coal for P. Walsh. The M.T. company'sp.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schooner Mary left for Big Sodus yesterday to …
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schooner Singapore cleared for Oswego today. The steamer Alexandria, from Montreal, touched at Craig's wharf last evening. The schooner Fabiola, coal laden from Oswego, ap.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schooner Singapore cleared for Oswego today. The steamer …
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schooner Annie Falconer will clear for Charlotte this evening The tug Hiram Easton, Ottawa, is in town having her wheel fixed. The tug Thomson left for Montreal today witp.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schooner Annie Falconer will clear for Charlotte this …
- p.2 Will Camp On Stave Island - American Canoe Association - on west end of island, directly facing Halstead's Bay. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The sloops Pilot and Minnie are loading grain up the Bay of Qup.2 Will Camp On Stave Island - American Canoe Association - on …
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schooner Acacia cleared for Oswego this morning. The schooner Two Brothers is unloading coal at the Grove Inn dock. The tug Jessie Hall left for Montreal today with six gp.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schooner Acacia cleared for Oswego this morning. The …
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schooner Two Brothers will clear for Oswego when the gale abates. The schooner Jamieson, Charlotte, arrived this morning with soft coal for James Swift & Co. The heaviestp.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The schooner Two Brothers will clear for Oswego when …
- p.2 THE CHANNEL IMPROVEMENT. Unfavorable Proposal Made By Government. The federal government has given much attention and has expended vast sums of money in improving the ships' channel from the greap.2 THE CHANNEL IMPROVEMENT. Unfavorable Proposal Made By Government. The federal government …
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The tug Walker arrived from Montreal last evening with five light barges. The S.S. Bannockburn and consort Melrose will arrive in port this evening. The schooner Two Brothersp.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The tug Walker arrived from Montreal last evening with …
- not published Aug. 9, 1898 p.2 Incidents of the Day - The steamer W.P. Ketchum and barge, Chicago to Kingston with corn and wheat, is in the canal en route to Kingston. John Donnelly, at Cornwall durnot published Aug. 9, 1898 p.2 Incidents of the Day - The …
- p.1 Notice Of Application - Montreal Transportation Company proposes to construct a pier within the limits of the harbor of the City of Kingston. p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The steamer Persia, bound dop.1 Notice Of Application - Montreal Transportation Company proposes to construct a …
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