Kingston Newspaper clippings
- p.2 To Release The Ceylon - On Thursday afternoon the Donnelly Wrecking company's fleet left for the scene of the wreck of the barge Ceylon, near Long Point. It had been expected that she would havep.2 To Release The Ceylon - On Thursday afternoon the Donnelly Wrecking …
- p.5 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The schooner Julia B. Merrill cleared on Friday morning for Oswego. The steam barge Jeska arrived from Oswego with coal for Sowards. Capt. Olsen, who has been in command of thep.5 IN MARINE CIRCLES. The schooner Julia B. Merrill cleared on Friday …
- p.6 DROWNED IN HARBOR On Saturday morning, when Thomas Munroe, of South Lancaster, aged twenty-one years, went over the bow of the steamer Compton, to release the anchor, and disregarded the orders op.6 DROWNED IN HARBOR On Saturday morning, when Thomas Munroe, of South …
- p.5 REGATTA TO BE HELD At the annual meeting of the Lake Yacht Racing Association, held in the Frontenac hotel, at three o'clock on Saturday afternoon, it was decided to hold the annual regatta at Mcp.5 REGATTA TO BE HELD At the annual meeting of the Lake …
- p.1 Abandoned Miles of Nets - in Lake Huron because of severe storms. New Canal Entrance At Cornwall - The long pier on the north side of the eastern entrance to the Cornwall canal, which has been unp.1 Abandoned Miles of Nets - in Lake Huron because of severe …
- p.1 WERE RESCUED Young Men Stormbound at the Ducks GALE WAS TOO STRONG For Them To Start Back in Motor Boat three men left in thirty foot gasoline launch on Sunday morning for trip to Main ...p.1 WERE RESCUED Young Men Stormbound at the Ducks GALE WAS TOO …
- p.3 Gananoque, Nov. 6th - ....The coal schooner Horace Taber arrived on Tuesday with a cargo for the Taylor Coal and Lumber company. She ran into quite bad weather on the trip. p.5 IN MARINE CIRCLESp.3 Gananoque, Nov. 6th - ....The coal schooner Horace Taber arrived on …
- p.2 Donnelly Company's Work - The barge Ceylon remains ashore on Lake Ontario, this side of Long Point. The outfit of the Donnelly Salvage and Wrecking co. remains in readiness to go up as soon as thp.2 Donnelly Company's Work - The barge Ceylon remains ashore on Lake …
- p.1 WEATHER IS SEVERE UP THE GREAT LAKES Fort William, Nov. 8th - A high wind accompanied by rain p.2 IN MARINE CIRCLES ...p.1 WEATHER IS SEVERE UP THE GREAT LAKES Fort William, Nov. 8th …
- p.1 Grain Forwarding - Cost Of A Propeller - The Trade by Schooner - Lake Barges - Transhipment at Kingston - (full column) [Globe] p.2 letter to editor - "D.C. West Again" p.3 MARINE NOTES ...p.1 Grain Forwarding - Cost Of A Propeller - The Trade by …
- p.2 Will Soon Be Running - improvements to M.T. Co. shipyard. p.3 Complimentary - to crew of str. Hero. Here & Near - several references to steamers. MARINE NOTES On The Maud - excursion. p.4 ad - Hep.2 Will Soon Be Running - improvements to M.T. Co. shipyard. p.3 …
- p.2 MARINE NOTES Under Wages - union difficulty.p.2 MARINE NOTES Under Wages - union difficulty.
- p.3 MARINE NOTES - schr. Two Friends to be changed to American ownership and renamed. On Charity Shoal - schr. Nevada of Chicago. Katie Gray - yacht from Belleville. p.4 Grain Forwarding - more on cop.3 MARINE NOTES - schr. Two Friends to be changed to American …
- p.1 Picton - sea-serpent seen near Timber Island. docks being built at Weller's Bay. p.2 Grain Forwarding - costs by rival routes. (full column) [Globe] p.3 MARINE NOTES - Nevada pulled off by Bronsop.1 Picton - sea-serpent seen near Timber Island. docks being built at …
- p.2 editorial on sailors' treatment in courts. MARINE NOTES p.3 Drowned at Chicago - Capt. Paul Summers of Kingston. Here & There - ? A Narrow Escape - Mrs. Capt. John Donnelly almost drowned at Gardp.2 editorial on sailors' treatment in courts. MARINE NOTES p.3 Drowned at …
- (this article appeared in Watertown Daily Times of Aug. 20th, but was copied from Kingston News) The new American steamboat inspection act is causing trouble along the river. The Rothesay recently lo(this article appeared in Watertown Daily Times of Aug. 20th, but was …
- (this article appeared in Gananoque Reporter, Oct. 20, 1883 p.2) Folger's New Steamer A drawing of the new steamer, which the Folger Bros. intend having built and placed on the route between Cape Vin(this article appeared in Gananoque Reporter, Oct. 20, 1883 p.2) Folger's New …
- p.1 Floating Facts - Calvin & Son's eighth raft left for Quebec this morning. -The schr. Jessie Breck cleared for Toledo today. -The steambarges Will and Isis have cleared for Deseronto. -The White Op.1 Floating Facts - Calvin & Son's eighth raft left for Quebec …
- p.2 The Forwarding Companies - editorial - the Hamilton Spectator is hostile to Kingston forwarding companies. p.4 The Canal Tolls - Sir John's views. Floating Facts - The schr. Elgin received her nep.2 The Forwarding Companies - editorial - the Hamilton Spectator is hostile …
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