Kingston Newspaper clippings
- p.3 Str. Pierrepont's Start - on first trip, slow progress through ice. Relinquishing The Books - Yesterday afternoon T. Paddon, ex-President of the Sailors' Union, consented to give the books of thap.3 Str. Pierrepont's Start - on first trip, slow progress through ice. …
- p.2 WHO OWNS THE TYPO? The Dominion Wrecking Co. Libel Her For $6,000. United States Marshall Tucker today libelled the schooner Typo, of Milwaukee, at present lying in Goble & Macfarlane's dry dock,p.2 WHO OWNS THE TYPO? The Dominion Wrecking Co. Libel Her For …
- p.1 Rathbun's Improvements - new buildings, A new barge is being built at Deseronto for the Rideau Canal service. She will be a consort of the steambarge Nile, and be capable of carrying between 140,p.1 Rathbun's Improvements - new buildings, A new barge is being built …
- p.1 A BRIDGE ACCIDENT. Thursday evening, about 6 o'clock, an accident occurred at the swing bridge across Cataraqui Bay, and for a time there has been a suspension of traffic by men and animals in thp.1 A BRIDGE ACCIDENT. Thursday evening, about 6 o'clock, an accident occurred …
- p.2 a letter to editor about swing bridge accident as reported in Saturday's News; ferryman was accused of not being helpful and asking for exhorbitant fee of 5 cents. - signed Ferryman. p.3 TRIP FROp.2 a letter to editor about swing bridge accident as reported in …
- (wrong date on top - says 17th) p.1 District Dashes - 27 tons of sturgeon caught in Smith Bay, near Waupoos Island. Minister of Marine & Fisheries - to present Miss Cross, of Lansdowne, with gold wat(wrong date on top - says 17th) p.1 District Dashes - 27 …
- p.2 Died - William McCauslan, late steamboat inspector, aged 81 years. p.3 Sailor's Wages - The sailors' wages have been fixed at Port Hope and Toronto. Those shipping at the former place get $1.25 pp.2 Died - William McCauslan, late steamboat inspector, aged 81 years. p.3 …
- p.2 Personal Mention - Mr. Murphy, President of the Toronto Seamen's Union, and Secretary of the Chicago Branch, is in the city. He reports navigation "slow" at Toronto. A great many vessels have entp.2 Personal Mention - Mr. Murphy, President of the Toronto Seamen's Union, …
- p.2 ad - Royal Mail Daily Line - to Picton, tri-weekly to Belleville, the sidewheel, fast upper saloon steamer Hero, T.J. Craig, master. p.3 Here & There - The rooms of the Sailor's Union have been rp.2 ad - Royal Mail Daily Line - to Picton, tri-weekly to …
- p.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The steam barge Nile goes to Deseronto on Tuesday. The schr. Herbert Dudley cleared for Ogdensburg this afternoon. The str. St. Lawrence will be launched about May 15th. Thep.2 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The steam barge Nile goes to Deseronto on Tuesday. …
- p.3 Here & There - Locomotive Co. now to make all types of engines, boilers, etc. The light at the foot of Long Island is lighted up for the first time this week. The city clock dials, acting as beacp.3 Here & There - Locomotive Co. now to make all types …
- p.3 Suppress The Whistling - During last summer the City Council very wisely passed and consolidated ordinances touching the government of vessels, and especially steamers while in the harbor. Now ifp.3 Suppress The Whistling - During last summer the City Council very …
- p.3 Accident At Picton - man hurt by fender of str. Hero. Here & There - The Detroit Dry Dock Company have contracted with the Chicago and Ogdensburg line to build two more steamships of the same dimp.3 Accident At Picton - man hurt by fender of str. Hero. …
- p.1 Bedford Mills Notes - The steam tug Edmund and barges Ontario, Quebec and Manitoba are being recaulked and painted. They will carry lumber from Ottawa to Kingston. Capt. James Moulton to run steap.1 Bedford Mills Notes - The steam tug Edmund and barges Ontario, …
- p.2 K. & M. FORWARDING CO. Charters For The Coal Business. The Witness says the Kingston and Montreal Forwarding Company owns 12 barges and two large floating elevators at Kingston. The capacity of tp.2 K. & M. FORWARDING CO. Charters For The Coal Business. The …
- p.3 Here & There - The statement that the Union Shovellers went to Capt. Gaskin, and said that if he would take them back into his employ they would burst the Union, is said to be untrue. A Nut For Sp.3 Here & There - The statement that the Union Shovellers went …
- p.3 The Fry Turned Out Well - Newcastle Fish Hatchery collected ova at Pigeon Island last fall. Here & There - The shovellers, owing to the competition between the Union and non-union men, will now up.3 The Fry Turned Out Well - Newcastle Fish Hatchery collected ova …
- p.2 Refusing A Cargo of Coal - The schr. Edward Blake arrived here yesterday with 591 tons of coal for the Locomotive Works. The company refused to accept the coal, claiming that its quality had deprp.2 Refusing A Cargo of Coal - The schr. Edward Blake arrived …
- p.3 Tourist Line Absorbed - The St. Lawrence Steamboat Co. have abandoned the tourist line from Cape Vincent to Montreal, and the str. Rothesay, now on the ways at Power's shipyard, will be sold by ap.3 Tourist Line Absorbed - The St. Lawrence Steamboat Co. have abandoned …
- p.2 Here & There - The tug Hall's tow has 1,600 tons coal and 18,000 bush. peas, shipped by Richardson. The tug Thompson brought three barges from Charlotte laden with coal and took back three light.p.2 Here & There - The tug Hall's tow has 1,600 tons …
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