Kingston Newspaper clippings
- p.3 Steamboat Business - A statement which recently went the rounds of the press, that the steamer Peerless had been purchased by the Rathbuns to run in lieu of the Armenia, seems to be a mistake. Thp.3 Steamboat Business - A statement which recently went the rounds of …
- p.2 Murray Canal - work suspended for winter. p.3 Sailors Get The Money - Vessel men who have made up their books find that they have made nothing during the past year. The freight they received paidp.2 Murray Canal - work suspended for winter. p.3 Sailors Get The …
- p.2 New Steamboat Regulations - As the Steamboat Inspection Act passed last session is defective in many particulars, the Minister of Marine will at the coming session introduce amendments, chiefly ap.2 New Steamboat Regulations - As the Steamboat Inspection Act passed last …
- p.2 Gone To Rest - Capt. Henry Van Allen, proprietor and landlord of the Island House, Mackinac Island, died last Friday, aged 80 years. The body will be taken to Chatham, Ont. at the opening of navip.2 Gone To Rest - Capt. Henry Van Allen, proprietor and landlord …
- p.3 Capt. John Lassoed - Last evening an interesting occurrence took place at the village of Portsmouth - the marriage of Captain John Saunders, of the schr. Oliver Mowat. He took as first mate Missp.3 Capt. John Lassoed - Last evening an interesting occurrence took place …
- p.3 Wreckage & Salvage Company - The Dominion Wreckage and Salvage Company held its first annual meeting in Montreal on Thursday, the President, Capt. Herriman, in the chair. The annual report showedp.3 Wreckage & Salvage Company - The Dominion Wreckage and Salvage Company …
- p.2 Marine News - The latest marine reports come from St. Catharines. They are: Captain Burroughs, who formerly sailed the Dromedary, has purchased an interest in the propeller St. Magnus. Capt. Kiahp.2 Marine News - The latest marine reports come from St. Catharines. …
- p.2 TRANSFER OF LAND. Mistake In Issuing Licenses. An Arrangement Endorsed By The Council. The report of the City Property Committee, presented to the City Council last evening, needs some explanatiop.2 TRANSFER OF LAND. Mistake In Issuing Licenses. An Arrangement Endorsed By …
- p.2 Steamboat Engineers - Toronto, Feb. 7th - A number of steamboat engineers met last night in response to a request from their brethren at Kingston. It was decided to petition the House of Commonsp.2 Steamboat Engineers - Toronto, Feb. 7th - A number of steamboat …
- p.3 A Kingston Captain - The Rochester Democrat says: Captain John Saunders and wife, of Kingston, Ont., are visiting friends in this city. Captain Saunders has traded for many seasons between this pp.3 A Kingston Captain - The Rochester Democrat says: Captain John Saunders …
- p.2 DRY DOCK HUMBUG. Editor, British Whig. Dear Sir, - On the 5th of June, 1879, Mr. Wise, with a staff of men, arrived from Ottawa and spent a couple of days in taking measurements of the size and dp.2 DRY DOCK HUMBUG. Editor, British Whig. Dear Sir, - On the …
- p.2 FORWARDING AMALGAMATION. The amalgamation of the forwarding companies, says the Montreal Star, now promises to be a much more extensive affair than at first appeared, and arrangements are, it isp.2 FORWARDING AMALGAMATION. The amalgamation of the forwarding companies, says the Montreal …
- p.2 Opening Up Communictation - between Loughborough and Sydenham Lakes to Rideau Canal. Summer Arrangements - railways connecting with St. Lawrence Steamboat Co.'s steamer Rothesay at Clayton. [Clayp.2 Opening Up Communictation - between Loughborough and Sydenham Lakes to Rideau …
- p.3 Here & There - sch. Acacia loading barley at foot of Princess street, to go to Oswego in spring. A Vessel Sold - This morning at 10 o'clock the schooner Eureka was sold at Hutcheson's auction roop.3 Here & There - sch. Acacia loading barley at foot of …
- p.3 Marine News - At a meeting of those interested in the Western Express Line of Steamers, held in Hamilton, it was decided to run the following four steamers on the Duluth Line next season: the Acap.3 Marine News - At a meeting of those interested in the …
- p.3 Engineer's Petition - Mr. Gunn, M.P., presented the petition of fifty-seven steamboat engineers asking the Government that the Bill passed last session, affecting them, be amended, as it acts unfp.3 Engineer's Petition - Mr. Gunn, M.P., presented the petition of fifty-seven …
- p.3 Here & There - M.T. Co. had annual meeting on Saturday in Montreal; old Board re-elected. An Agreement - The str. Flower City, at Clayton, has been bonded to secure the claim of the Collins Bay Tp.3 Here & There - M.T. Co. had annual meeting on Saturday …
- p.3 Here & There - The Oswego Yacht Club have decided to adopt the Rogers signal code and N.S. Stene is at present engaged in making a complete set of colors for each yacht. These signal flags are 7p.3 Here & There - The Oswego Yacht Club have decided to …
- p.3 Suit In Marine Law - On the fourth day of November the tug M.J. Cummings left Fair Haven for Oswego with the canal boats (sic) Carrie and Cora in tow, laden with potatoes, apples and onions. It ip.3 Suit In Marine Law - On the fourth day of November …
- p.3 Here & There - Capt. Thos. Zealand, of Hamilton, brother of Capt. Edward Zealand, (lost on Lake Ontario with prop. Zealand in 1881) died in British Columbia, 48, heart disease. p.4 Yacht Club Newp.3 Here & There - Capt. Thos. Zealand, of Hamilton, brother of …
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